The Air Rifles & Pistols thread

I noticed the scope on the HW was also what I would consider to be "high magnification" at 5-30x56, do you actually use the top end (x24 or higher etc) much as I found that for my eyes, around x6-x8 was my sweet-spot for hunting/HFT type shooting but I don't know what yours are setup for?

I tried a MTC Viper at 6-24x50 as my highest mag scope but didn't get on with it at all and eventually swapped to a MTC Mamba Lite in 4-16x42 and found that it was perfect for me with my usage.
It depends to be honest. All my shooting is hung target and steel knockdown targets. Generally im set at 40m but shoot to 60-70m and as short as 20m. If im shooting paper targets at 40m ill be zoomed right in or if im shooting at one of bell targets at 40m that has a 15mm hole i'll be zoomed righ in. Steel targets at 20m and 30m, ill be at 5-10x. Steel targets at 40m-60m prob around low 20x's. I do need glasses (i dont currently wear any) and need to get to the opticians though so i'm compensating a bit with the scope
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