The All New Desktop Thread, Images No Larger Than 800x600

A Place I'd love to be!!.. My girlfriend used to work on these things for about 7 years around the Carabean!!..


Got a link to that wallpaper? :p
Some people can sod off for all I can care tbh :p They're just icons renamed to see who gets upset aren't they Grudas :D
Might want to remove all of your downloaded icons mate.

Doesn't bother me what other people do but seems to irate some people on here.


no i wont remove them i dont see a point.. ocuk will not be managing my desktop lol :D i cant get suspended for downloading SS can i ? ;D all the others are mostly just the tracks for game.. nothing illegal

Some people can sod off for all I can care tbh :p They're just icons renamed to see who gets upset aren't they Grudas :D

exactly who actually cares about my icons lol :D they point that jizz is there.. that's all :o
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