The All New Desktop Thread, Images No Larger Than 800x600

Cheers to MRK for this one!...

Made a 1280x1024 for work and a 1920x1200/1080 for Home!..



Even got a 400x400 for my Nomnomnia!!.. :D
One of my Own Photos from Last Weekend at High Force (a little brook just away from the main Falls).. Playing with Long exposures on Water!.. :cool:

Got loads of Pics of the Falls too.. just need to process em in Lightroom!...


Canon EOS 400D, Nifty 50mm, 3.2Sec, f16, ISO-100

Its actually 1920x1200 but Centered on my 1280x1024 monitor here at work!..
Steve, can you resize that to a 800x600 jpeg and edit your post and replace the image already there.

3MB 1500 width PNG is a little much for the thread which is meant to be 800x600. If you want to offer a link to the thing as a clickable, feel free! :)
I've just installed win 7 and updated my desktop. I like them hot and simple!


How did you manage to get your desktop looking like that, what are the gadgets called you have on there and also what are the smaller collection of icons on the left, look different to normal desktop icons?

Just installed Windows 7 64-Bit on my new build and want to make it look a little more fun ... lol.

Anyone else point me in the direction of some good themes or desktop goodies ... ta!

How did you manage to get your desktop looking like that, what are the gadgets called you have on there and also what are the smaller collection of icons on the left, look different to normal desktop icons?

Just installed Windows 7 64-Bit on my new build and want to make it look a little more fun ... lol.

Anyone else point me in the direction of some good themes or desktop goodies ... ta!


The icons on the left are just standard icons used with object dock. I just changed its settings so it displays down the left hand side of the screen (dont want it chopping off jens beautiful face).

The widgets on the right are the ones included with windows. Like the side bar **** in vista.

The top one is a imple cpu/ram meter, then the weather one and then a facebook one. If you right click on your desktop and click widgets you can browse for more online.

Hope this helps.
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