Reverse EZ Bar curls hit the forearms nicely - but then so do big compound weights whilst holding the bar
I've actually read it all today, what can I say some interesting info, but a bit of bull**** as well.
First thing that comes to mind is the part about how pro bodybuilders have pictures taken of them using plastic weights because their joints become so weak because of steroid usage.The first thing that comes to mind was me looking at Coleman's training video a week ago, those weights don't look like they're made of plastic lol.
Then for the supplements, I do agree that products such as N.O. XPLODE or wonder weigh gainers are way to expensive for what they do, but I will not agree with the part that says creatine offers a small temporary strength boost and everything else is crap.
Creatine offers a major strength boost imho, I've noticed it each time I started a new cycle of it, and the strength is by no means temporary, it remains the same after I stopped using creatine. The water retention associated with is also way overrated.
Another example is glutamine which although needed to be taken in rather large doses does wonders in terms of recovery, also experimented on my own skin.
Last part says that a genetically gifted bodybuilder can hope to pack 20 pounds of muscle in the first year of training also makes me wonder, I've been training since october with 2 months off (Christmas and Easter spent home) and the first 2 months were't that intense, I didn't even train legs lol, and I've put on 10kgs while at the same time also dropping a bit of bodyfat.
Since I've managed to gain roughly 25pounds of muscle in 7months, according to him I'm either a genetically gifted monster(which I'm most certainly not) or have half a pharmacy in my ass, which I don't either.
Yeah Im not sure about my form on the flies I bring my arms out a fair bit but not to the point where they are straight, I might have a look on exrx for a video. As for db bench, I find it a lot easier than the smith machine (no barbells in my gym ) which I can do 65kg for 5-6 reps.
Ahh this 'strongman' stuff is hard work but really fun. We've got concrete lintels with 'custom handles' on now so we can do the farmers walk. What we really want now is a log for some pressing.