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Started on advanced GVT (so not like what Benny is doing but a slight modified version)

Flat BB - 4s lowering phase, quick explosive concentric phase. The whole point of this is that the eccentric phase builds the muscles by really saturating the muscle fibres with blood (ergo nutrients) but also rips the muscles more than the concentric movement (micro tears.) 90-120s pause between sets.

The 4s lowering phase makes it hard work!

I went for 60% of my 1RM, which in hingsight might have been better to have gone with 65% but anyway I've started and I'll see how it goes.


Wide grip chins - 3s lowering phase, explosive concentric (upward towards chin bar).


This got very difficult towards the end the last 2 sets were agony and I ensured my form was absolutely spotless, the 90-120s pauses seem to shoot by far too quickly!! My BW is around 98kg at the moment so when I increase in the next phase I'll use a weight belt.

Then subsidiary exercises:

Dips Bodyweight - 3s lowering phase, explosive lifting phase.

3 sets x 8 reps @ BW

Single arm row - 3s lowering phase, explosive lifting phase, I made sure that the form was immaculate, contracting all the back muslces (lat, rear delt, traps) and moved the DB in an arc movement to the hip. Held the DB at the top and squeeze for 1 second, and then down 3s etc....

3 sets 8 reps @ 21kg.

Although the weights are very small, you have to bear in mind the volume, and that in 10 days time the weights go up by 6%... then in 20 days up by 9%. So I need to be able to plan for success.

This is going to be good fun! :D
Yup. Agreed.

If you think of the volume I'm lifting in bench alone that's 4 tonnes, and chins that's nearly 5 tonnes. 9 tonnes in 2 exercises of which they are just bench and chins and not even big DL/Squat type of exercises you know why it works.

The lowering phase is THE most important part of it IMO.

Although I'm not doing GVT but AGVT the principle is the same. GVT is best suited for gentic + help type of people, AGVT should be ok for natural peeps - but you just don't get the gains and returns that you would with "extra" help.
160kg + BW dips?!!! :eek:

Have you tried using a parallel bar with a dipping belt?

WG+40kg for chins is also impressive - though it's like me doing it with 20kg in terms of weight :p However it's awesome work. :cool:

Hope we can do strongman meet some time :)
Day 2 GVT


I mis-judged my squat weight and it was a bit light at 100kg, so next time I will have to jack it up to 110 - by the end of the 10th set whilst I was feeling a nice burn it should have come on sooner. What I might have to try is slowing it down a bit more to get more of a burn.

Back Squats

10x5 @ 100kg


10x5 @ 90kg

All slow tempo 40x0

Subsidiary exercises:

Step ups (leg @50 degrees):

3x8 @ 100kg (each leg)

DB Lunges:

3x8 @ 25kg in each hand (each leg)

Although the weight wasn't extraordinary and the squats were a bit light I did end up drenched and as though it was a hard workout. The 90-120s pauses really helps the intensity of it. My legs are feeling a bit "throbby" but I think I'd feel a bit more dead with a bit more weight on the squats.

I'm really going to enjoy this programme. :cool:
What sort of tempo do you guys use on the strength training?

I use 4-0-2 for building, just curious what the strength alternative would be as the 4 second lowering is meant to tear the muscle, which isn't really the aim of 5 x 5 is it?

Just curious :)

The slow eccentric movement is what you need for size development, explosive concentric movement is what is needed fo strength gains - that's pretty much it. :)
I'm in a similar situation in terms of trousers - I have to buy 38" waist trousers and get them tailored in for the waist so that I can fit my legs into them (over 27" of thigh!).

Morb, I reckon you should do a lean bulk, drop the BF but keep the mass - you would look awesome :) I would offer to race you to 600kg but I think you'd beat me fair and square! :D
Hehe thanks dude :o - I will break 600 this year I'm determined.

I think if you shaved off 3-5% BF whilst either keeping or increasing your LBM you would look phenomenal.

You wouldn't drop much weight with 3-5% would you?

It won't be easy, and you'd probably have to do some HIIT / Cardio routines, but I reckon it could do the trick beautifully. :)
GVT - Thursday, 2nd back and chest day.

Again keeping the weights light and form uber strict as well as very slow eccentric excercises.

30 degree BB Incline @ 60kg:

10 sets x 5 reps. Tempo 40x0

Again maybe a bit light, but with my shoulder injury I wanted to take it easy, but by the 10th set I had a heck of a pump on.

Hammer grip chins - very strict form, bringing my chest almost dead level with the grip. Slow negs, and explosive up to the bar. Concentrating on really squeezing my back.

10x5 @ bodyweight

I was almost in tears by the end of the 5th set, it's the full extension so that your arms are straight after the slow neg and the concentric movement that follows that really hurts. I had huge forearm pumps as a result afterwards!

Subsidiary exercises:

Flat DB Chest

25kg Db - 3 sets x 8 reps.

Slow 3s negatives, and strong concentric movements, keeping pressure at all times with no lock out. It was harder than I was expecting, but again the weight was a bit light.

BORs suppinated grip

3 sets x 8 reps @ 60kg.

Here the negative movement was harder than I had anticipated and didn't really do it as strict as I should have so am a bit annoyed at that - but otherwise got a nice burn.

Amazingly that session took nearly 90mins!

I'm feeling it now though. SPW was in the gym with me and he can testify my nearly tear induced state! :o

so I'm a week in and well, I like it. A lot. It's going to be hard work - my appetite has gone through the roof - I'm eating ALL THE TIME almost. Last night I had to get up to get something to eat! :o It must be working - whilst I'm not craving carbs, I'm just craving nutrition and I'm easily touching 3.5-4k cals a day at the moment. It's getting expensive! :D
I have to disagree dun. Sometimes your body response very well to staggered training, and a week off can be enough to trigger extra hypertrophy and test production - providing you're well rested, eat well and keep moderately active (i.e. don't sit at home doing sod all). There's no point in pushing your body if it's knackered, and sometimes a week off is what you need. :)
Oh I agree, a change in routine to shock the system into a different regimen is brilliant and absolutely necessary. :) And in terms of low volume/intensity, then you're less likely to be pushing your body into the high levels you'd typically need a rest for - but not everyone is as nutty as some in terms of training :D
GVT Monday - I had an enforced 3-day break (although you're not meant to take that much time off, but I was in Germany with the British army for the officers summer ball and wasn't going to miss that!!).

So onto day "7" although it's actually day 8 because I didn't take a break last week to make up for my weekend.

This is still 60% of RM and the workout 1 phase, there are 6 workout phases so I've got plenty to do!

Heel elevated front squats, 4s lowering phase, explosive upward phase with little lock-out. I used thick 25kg plates as my heel perch.

10x5 reps @ 60kg. Again doesn't soun like much, but when you're lowering the bar slowly, it doesn't half cane by the time you get to the end - I was DRENCHED!

I had left my training notes so wasn't sure what was next on the list so just did some DLs.

10x5 reps @ 110kg - harder that it sounds, especially with the 90s breaks, although I couldn't really do 4s negatives, I kept the movements controlled and form absolutely intact.

Sweating profusely at this point.

Split squats

6x60kg each leg
8x60kg each leg
6x60kg each leg


Calf raises


Not perfect subsidiary exercises but I had to improvise considering I didn't have my notes! Thinking about it I should have probably done leg press and a different hamstring exercise... but anyway.

So I've got one more day of GVT for workout 1 then it's onto workout 2 where everything goes up by 6% - it's going to be fun! :D
Yeah I'm getting an increasing amount of DOMs - it's only 2 exercises 10 sets x 5 reps, but it's the slow negs that are the killers. The 2 subsidiary exercises also make it surprisingly difficult!!
Sorry mate I thought I had moved it... don't know what happened?! :o

How much do you weigh, and I presume they are 1000mg capsules? What's the DHA and EPA concentration? 10 a day might be a bit excessive, and it's important to spread it out throughout the day and after food - no point in taking them on an empty stomach as it won't be absorbed as readily.
•Increases fat burning
•Decreases fat storage
•Increases insulin sensitivity
•Maintains healthy joints
•Reduces levels of excess cortisol
•Dramatically improves health

If you have got joint pain and issues see your doctor - this helps maintain healthy joints, it doesn't fix injured ones or make the pain go away.
Had a Thai massage last night.. proper elbows/knees/feet into muscles job. Best £30 I ever spent and I seriously recommend it to anyone who has DOMs or tight muscles. Hell I recommend it to anyone regardless. :cool:

They're pretty good I go to one on Lavender Hill near where I work.

Having a proper deep tissue massage at my physio clinic next week. Can't wait! :D
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