The all new Xbox Live Gamertag Site including leaderboard, gamertag db, stats & more!

Tag: AberSamurai

Be nice to get some proper multiplayer action on the go. Totally (re) addicted to halo 3 since i managed to scratch to death every other game i own :(
Do I need to tell you if I've changed my GT as I've just changed it from Bri2205 to BiggBadBri.
Just got an Elite this week :)

Gamertag - DaRyL77
Games - Skate, Forza 2, PGR4, GTA IV, Don Kings Prize Fighter

Online from around 7pm-9pm
Could you add me please? Tag is Jeff vLIVE - should see a dramatic increase in my score once I get an internet connection back at home :D
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