The all new Xbox Live Gamertag Site including leaderboard, gamertag db, stats & more!

Woo, up 79 places! :D

Hax tbh :p. Nice work. Did you rack up a load and then sign in online to make the jump? A lot of your games have no last played online date.

Woot. Im addicted to the OcUK Leaderboard.

Keep up the great work SiD!

Thanks. I'm at the point where I can see all games everyone has played, and the last time people played them. In theory I could track each and every achievement, but I'm not sure if it is practical. If you consider say each person has played 20 games, 400 people on the list would be 8000 pages to check every update! The software can handle it, but it would take a long time to request all of the pages.

I think how the site is currently is fine to be honest. What would be nice though is when you click on a game you can see an idividual leaderboard for that game score.

IE. Click GTAIV and it lists all the people that have played that with their score for that game in order.

(Don't know if thats what you are saying you could do..)
What would be nice though is when you click on a game you can see an individual leaderboard for that game score.

Using the existing program/database I can't do that as I can't see what games made up your gamerscore, but with the new one I am writing at the moment I can, so it will definitely be a feature once I have finished coding everything.
impressive work/updates :)

Not looked at this for a while so I can safely assume I'm waaay out of the top 30 :p

//edit: 36th - not as bad as I thought :)

Not getting many points from Rock Band online play though :p
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Using the existing program/database I can't do that as I can't see what games made up your gamerscore, but with the new one I am writing at the moment I can, so it will definitely be a feature once I have finished coding everything.

Awesome news, I think that'd definitely be a worthwhile feature.
just got an elite last weekend, add me add me !


cheers :)

I need some friends to add as well! Currently playing Fifa09, Halo 3 and PGR4.
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