The all new Xbox Live Gamertag Site including leaderboard, gamertag db, stats & more!

Add me too please.

Komanche Sly

Used to be Vandle but the gamertag got lost somewhere , I think it fell somewhere over the pacific ocean...
Normally play at unsociable UK times..
Hey guys. Sorry about the blip. The NXE did make changes that needed fixing, but this has coincided with me having all of my wisdom teeth taken out at the hospital leaving me bed ridden. As I am off sick I don't think it would be wise to spend my time fixing the site when I should be in bed so I've done a 5 minute fix until I'm better which means everyone's gamer pics are question marks for now.
What games are the banner pics taken from, in particular the guy on the horse and the spacecraft over the city and the ruined city with the crooked fountain?

oh and xBrood is my gamertag - thanks
Sorry about the blip. The NXE did make changes that needed fixing, but this has coincided with me having all of my wisdom teeth taken out at the hospital leaving me bed ridden.

Had this done a month or so ago, whole world of pain. Get well soon! (and fix the website ;) :p)
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