@MATT - Can you do me a favour matey, ever since I've had the 295x2 and 290x, MANTLE in BF4 is up the swanny... low fps... I've always used Mantle since my 7990's and it was always considerably quicker than DX11... perfect infact. However now I can barely run... if I disable Crossfire and run the single 295x2 it's horrid performance and enabling the 290x only makes it worse... yet DX is spot on. What's happened with Mantle lately? Are you getting this on your system? This was with 14.12 and the new 15.3's as well... Mantle now is running like poo.
This is at 5670x1080 ULTRA and 4xMSSA... I'm in DX11 and it's around 65-110fps... in Mantle it's topping out around 60fps and drops into 30's... and this si a fresh rebuild of machine as well.
How much Vram are you using at the res? Mantle uses substantially more Vram than DX11.