Need some help with an r9 290 powercolor pcs+, bought from the forums, is fully working. As im playing cs:go the game crashes to black screen, sometime recoverable by ctrl+alt+del other time i need to hold power button.
Long story short ive spent the best part of a day researching the issue and have done pretty much everything suggested to no avail, including...
tried different drivers
flashed motherboard bios to latest
flashed 290 to reference bios and also tried the latest for the pcs+
updated all other drivers on pc
set custom fan profile, down clocked memory and core and monitored temps including vram.
re installed cs:go (happens in other games too)
re installed steam
re installed windows fresh.
and so on, you get the idea, not too happy about this as i dont think its a hardware issue, i was running on a split 8+6 pin pcie but added a seperate 6 pin so its on two pcie cables, psu is a silverstone 750w gold. Need some help as i feel i have exhausted all my options now and might have to ask the guy for a refund. He said he had no problems with the card which i believe, i also came from an nvidia card but have run ddu multiple times in safe mode to clear drivers.