Yes, but that guru3d situation where they get that 30% upgrade isn't just from tesselation alone, but also from drawcalls. As they are clearly cpu bound. (Or should we call API bound now?).
I don't believe for a second there is GCN 1.2 tesselators included in grenada. Actually shouldn't that already show in bios. According "The Stilt" he didn't found any real big differencies from bios. Only mentionable differences were memory configs and binning. And in CAC leakage.
use google translator if you trust it's translation from finnish (I don't).
I don't know if 390x can have better tesselation just because of more matured process and different binning.
If that Driver made no difference to me on an AMD CPU then why should it make a difference to them on an Intel CPU, are Intel CPU's suddenly slower than AMD CPU's?
Humbug ok i've looked at your tessmarks and as noted you saw 15%@15.15 and 18% 15.20 tesselation improvements. You then compared bench results with the drivers and didn't see any gains in the bioshock benchmark on your system and also are comparing your results to the guru3d results. Therefore you are thinking that the grenada has to be something more than gcn1.1. Right welL Nutella had the same theory and idea that it was gcn 1.2 a few days ago and we debunked it but over the witcher 3 tesselation difference.
So trust me this is de ja vu.
Ok back to the guru3d results first,
that bioshock which you are using as your reference for the large gap in performance you forgot to mention this at the bottom of the page
So they are comparing a reference throttling 290x, on older drivers than 15.15 which were used for the 390x only, and with slower clockspeeds and timings on the 4gb of ram.
Now we need to test that with an overclocked 290x at 1100/1525 8gb vs a 390x 1100 1525 8gb, like they said in their disclaimer, (you see that big gap is rapdily shrinking now) was 290x- 62 - 390x - 81 ( predicted in the 70's on the same ref throttling 290x 4gb).
Now with your tessmark results they are fantastic but there is one fundamental problem, you aren't providing a 390 (2560-same clocks and drivers with 4gb to compare to, so whilst you are seeing tesselation improvements it doesn't mean there aren't others factors involved in your lack of game improvement by using the drivers.
Let's not forget that your system could well be holding back your bioshock results as your fx9590 is not running at it's best and also the fx9590 isn't the greatest cpu for testing in some games. If so could you try and overclock your gpu and see if you gain any fps with the cpu settings as before in previous tests but also you need a 390 in your system to compare to for a fair test..
Read my reply to Dygaza, and:
yes they tested it "on an older driver set than 15.15" thats what i have been doing.
what you are trying to say here is 15% Tessellation and and some Reference cooler throttling amounts to 30%.
How do you even divide that up?
So 15% points, that would mean that this 290 was running at no more than 850Mhz maximum, lets just assume for a minute this is true, wow. but ok lets entertain it for a bit.
You're left with the other 15%, so 15% Tessellation = 15% FPS, you know for a fact its nothing like that, its doesn't work anything like that, if it did Nvidia would consistently be 400% ahead of AMD, AMD's own R9 285 would be consistently be 400% ahead of all their other GPU's. no. that fact is this is what it takes in Tessellation to get another 10 FPS.
I think What you are doing here now is looking for any reason possible to argue that you were right all along, its all you can do now after calling me out without knowing anything about what is actually going on, you had already accepted one version as a truth and are completely closed to anyother possibility, you are pooling every little thing that you can and exaggerating its impact massively to make up the numbers.
What i want is to get to the truth, so here is my challenge to you, i'm satisfied from the data thats out there and my own tests that the 390X is not just a 290X put in a new box, the performance difference between these two cards is huge right there where you would expect it to be, of course you disagree with that and are trying very hard to explain away all of it.
Do you know what, don't do that, its far to easy to say to someone with hard evidence in proving their point "oh i don't believe you, your wrong" now i figured out a way to test the theory and those are my results, this is a practical experiment that yielded practical results, i'm willing to accept that my results might be wrong, but just sit shooting at the messenger, really? why on earth would you do that?
#It can't be down to CPU bottlenecking with the 15.15 Driver improving it, because id that is what they are experiencing on an Intel CPU then i sure as hell should be, and yet clearly i'm not, i also tested it at 3200x1800P as well as 1920x1080P, its cut my FPS in half from 1080P
#+15% Tessellation i'll give you the benefit of the doubt with this, i think you do understand it better than this, but if you don't Tessellation does not scale FPS anything like this, 15% does not = 30% FPS, its not 15% FPS. its not even 5% or even 2%.
#Thermal throttling, its Throttling by about 30%? i bet if i pull up an AIB 290X the performance result will be pretty much the same, you can do that yourself, go have a look...
I spent a lot of time calling the 390X a total rebox, just like everyone did, cursing it, you name it. that was until i calmed down a bit and thought about it, did a little research and this a test.
Don't be a part of the cesspit politics that fly around far to much in here, hit the reset switch in your head, if you still think i'm wrong, thats fine. prove it. actually prove it instead of just blasting no no no no no at me.
I say again, all i want is to get to the truth, i'd love the idea that i can give my 290 a huge performance boost just by switching drivers.