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The AMD Driver Thread

Not being fully here so no one take this the wrong way..

Why is it I have never had any issues? like ever? this is even when I used to own Nvidia GPUs way back.

I just don't understand how some can have so meny issues while others can just enjoy there gaming.

Well i've never had an issue with AMD drivers, this is the first time, didn't have the fan issues either, but I do use speedfan for my gpu fan.
You got lucky, or don't notice the issues?
I've had nothing but issues with stutter, poor GPU usage, random performance drops depending on drivers for the last few years since having AMD cards...never had that before with Nvidia.
I'm not the sort of person to get involved in childish GPU arguments so I'm not trolling, I'm just fed up with AMD and their seeming lack of ability to acknowledge they're often sub-par

Can't say I have noticed tbh I been running AMDs high-ish market and fully understand how my system works and what is what.
My GPU usage is always at full load unless I hit my frame rate cap of x game.

CSGO for example 300fps max frame rate GPU will hit that with easy and will not need 100% so it will be up and down. unlock the frame rate to 999 and FPS will be 300/500 and load will now lock at 100%

Stutter has never been an issue for me even when I was running crossfire I just either didn't notice it or get it.. And this is someone who can tell vsync stutter/input lag

Performance never been an issue I just fully understand my limits on my system.. If running a single GPU and you maxing out every single setting you can dam well expect drops in performance.
ATM am running a single 290 stock @1440p and am still blown away by it. New Rainbow six I avg 70/80fps full settings who needs the highest end GPUs :p

They was a time were I would force mysef into running M-GPU just to hit refresh rate 120hz or 144hz frame rates - Freesync has changed that completely for me.

Rambling on now :D
Nvidia aren't any better than amd for communication, in fact they are probably worse, how often do you see nvidia reps posting on here? Where were they when they were going through a very bad patch a few months ago with regards to driver stability?

I do agree though, they are quick to post good news and very slow/silent when it comes to problems but aren't most companies like that? All part of marketing strategy.

I never said they were, this is why I do not prefer one company much over the other. They if anything are worse, they try and gimp old cards and hope it goes unnoticed. This is worse than going silent like AMD do.

That said, I do not understand how people say, I am going Nvidia and never coming back because of having crossfire issues. Makes no sense in my books. How about just get rid of crossfire (the problem) and stick to single gpu and you won't have issues anymore? What does changing to Nvidia have anything to do with it? o.O

If you go Nvidia you can look forward to getting gimped at every opportunity. Unless the whole lot of people make noise about the said issue, it won't get fixed.

This is the issue, no clear winner really for me. I just go for which offers me best price for performance and that is that. Has worked fine for me for years :)

Got to vote with the wallet unfortunately. I've had graphics cards every since the first PowerVR and 3DFX cards - countless nvidia and ATI cards over nearly 20 years. ATI/AMD have really let everyone down recently.

I definitely understand about voting with wallet. But what I do not get is how you arrived at your conclusion :)

But in the end, do what makes you happy the most. That is the most important thing in the end ;)
I've found many problems with the new drivers, so I'm back to 15.11.
Some GTA problems, after you alt+tab and go back to the game the GPUs clocks is fluctuating.
Sometimes after you alt+tab the side screens, I use eyefinity, starts to stutter, but only the side monitors, while the central one is ok. (this also happens with 15.11.1, but NOT with 15.11)
I have 3x R9 290s and using 3 Dell U2414H monitors.

Also my friend removed the drivers as well, after his 2 Gigabyte windforce R9 280X were hitting more than 90C, back to 15.11 and they never go over 70C.
I've had a gtx970 as well as my current setup so have experience of both. Driver wise there is no real difference even though we get many saying AMD drivers suck, etc. When I bought the 970 I wasn't greatly impressed by the performance increase since I had moved up from an OC 7950@1250MHz. I had the occasional stutter and driver crashes even on the 970 so jumped at the chance to get rid when the 3.5gb issue came up.

My current crossfire works well and only have a problem with some games which don't have any crossfire profile yet. Fallout 4 works fine in single card mode so can't complain too much.
I definitely understand about voting with wallet. But what I do not get is how you arrived at your conclusion :)

But in the end, do what makes you happy the most. That is the most important thing in the end ;)
I think what it comes down to for me personally is the outlay on two graphics cards costing a substantial amount of money and it simply not working how it has been advertised / promised. I am quite a patient chap and held onto them for a long time waiting for better drivers etc but the support / quality is not there.

I do not game as much anymore due to kid and my job so dont have the tinker time like I used to. Poor drivers dont help and losing money i.e. not getting what I paid for just hurts. AMD need to realise we all work hard to get these toys and we expect a level of service.

I was trying to explain this to the wife funnily enough. Its like buying boiler and it only giving you hot water every now and again. Not good enough :)
I think what it comes down to for me personally is the outlay on two graphics cards costing a substantial amount of money and it simply not working how it has been advertised / promised. I am quite a patient chap and held onto them for a long time waiting for better drivers etc but the support / quality is not there.

I do not game as much anymore due to kid and my job so dont have the tinker time like I used to. Poor drivers dont help and losing money i.e. not getting what I paid for just hurts. AMD need to realise we all work hard to get these toys and we expect a level of service.

I was trying to explain this to the wife funnily enough. Its like buying boiler and it only giving you hot water every now and again. Not good enough :)

Yeah. Basically if you had gone SLI at the time, you would have been in the same position and be looking to come AMD. It is just right now you don't fancy giving more money to the same company that let you down with their support. Can understand that.

I personally do not look at it that way, as explained above. But that could be because I got my 295x2 cheap and made no loss after using it for nearly 6 months. I may have felt the same as you if I made a big loss. Main thing is, stay away from multi gpu until both companies sort it out :)
Nvidia are not always squeaky clean when it comes to drivers but I can understand when people are frustrated and things just don't work as they should. Stick with it and hopefully they will have these sorted soon.
Not being fully here so no one take this the wrong way..

Why is it I have never had any issues? like ever? this is even when I used to own Nvidia GPUs way back.

I just don't understand how some can have so meny issues while others can just enjoy there gaming.

Probably because you don't play many different games,
Haven't you said before that you mainly play CS:GO and one or two others...

Yeah. Basically if you had gone SLI at the time, you would have been in the same position and be looking to come AMD. It is just right now you don't fancy giving more money to the same company that let you down with their support. Can understand that.

I personally do not look at it that way, as explained above. But that could be because I got my 295x2 cheap and made no loss after using it for nearly 6 months. I may have felt the same as you if I made a big loss. Main thing is, stay away from multi gpu until both companies sort it out :)
Nail on the head buddy :)
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