I never said they were, this is why I do not prefer one company much over the other. They if anything are worse, they try and gimp old cards and hope it goes unnoticed. This is worse than going silent like AMD do.
That said, I do not understand how people say, I am going Nvidia and never coming back because of having crossfire issues. Makes no sense in my books. How about just get rid of crossfire (the problem) and stick to single gpu and you won't have issues anymore? What does changing to Nvidia have anything to do with it? o.O
If you go Nvidia you can look forward to getting gimped at every opportunity. Unless the whole lot of people make noise about the said issue, it won't get fixed.
This is the issue, no clear winner really for me. I just go for which offers me best price for performance and that is that. Has worked fine for me for years