When you say you get choppy/stutter does this happen even if Freesync is disabled at driver level?
With Vsync disabled and freesync enabled do you see screen tear?
They is a couple things Freesync wont fix and that is ingame loading of texture streaming stutter something I know Division suffered with really bad not sure how much they improved this.
Do we know the stutter just isn't game related?
Why I say use FRTC is because this forces the game engine frame rate to match the driver frame rate, I have had better experiences with FRTC on demanding games, where the frame rate can change so much.
btw am only trying to help, I might give Division a install over the weekend and report back my results I do remember Freesync working on my end.
The first thing I do with a new game, is disable Vsync and Freesync, load into game, look for screen tear, see screen tear ALT-TAB back out and enable Freesync if Screen tear is gone, I dont need to use Vsync or FRTC for that title.