True but you have to remember, reddit subs like that generally only ever contain customers/fanboys and looking at other forums, there are a lot of people mentioning the same problems.One thing worth pointing out, people with issues post on sites, making it seem like it much worse than it really is.
How meny users out there like me with out any issues vs users having problems?
I even use wattman and not had a single crash from it. Matter of a fact I use everything the Crimson drivers even offer.
Again, not saying that everyone will have issues but I think we can agree that 17.x.x/relive definitely isn't as bug free/stable as pre-17.x.x drivers.
Assuming that the majority have got similar issues.... I wonder if this is the price to be paid for AMD releasing day 1 and even pre-day 1 drivers again (forgetting about upcoming vega cards and the team prioritizing the drivers for those cards....), if so..... I would much rather go back to that way, for some reason, people on here and other forums seem to think that with every new game released, that there HAS to be as GPU driver update too, otherwise the game is riddled with bugs/performance issues or something....
Hopefully VEGA is great and runs like a champ for temps + fan noise as it means that I could get rid of msi afterburner + rivatuner and as a result possibly less likely to encounter any problems.