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*** The AMD RDNA 4 Rumour Mill ***

Don't they? The 4070 Ti aka the 4080 12GB and also the actual 4080 got slaughtered as I recall?

I have always said they are over priced. I only ever praised them for their 3080 FE which cost me under £600 brand new near release after selling the game codes.

I thought the 4000 series price was a joke and did not think I would have a card from this gen. You don't have to take my word for it either, just search for my posts. But at £575 I thought that was a decent prices for the 4070 Ti so grabbed it.

I look at the hardware and it's price. Don't care if it says GeForce or Radeon.
Not on a level that matters I would argue cause otherwise we would have seen an entire lineup change in price with the exception of the 4090(being top dog on the market). Yes the 4080 12gb was renamed but to be honest I feel there were a lot of marketing involved with that move and it felt very calculated cause nvidia doesn't usually bow to the consumer so easily. I could be wrong and be seeing patterns that aren't there but one thing the last 10 years of nvidia has taught me is that Jensen & Co are a very calculating/scheming bunch. They really excel at it. So I kind of expect it as the default behaviour now whenever nvidia does something. Unlike AMD that throws stuff randomly at a wall and hope that some of it sticks :P.
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I just can't see RTG lowering pricing until they secure another fab like Samsung/Intel (and they come up to scratch), it's just not in their interest atm with the limited allocation at TSMC.

It think this could be the case. They price it silly as if they priced it like it should be priced it would actually sell and they would run out of their allocation quick.

Well, at least that is one possible explanation :cry:
AMD says it knows why it lags Nvidia and it wants to change; as such AMD is going to become a software focused company like Nvidia. AMD says it now knows that just trying to sell hardware doesn't work anymore. AMD says it is increasing its software team size by 300%

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AMD says it knows why it lags Nvidia and it wants to change; as such AMD is going to become a software focused company like Nvidia. AMD says it now knows that just trying to sell hardware doesn't work anymore. AMD says it is increasing its software team size by 300%

Good, The more competition, The better products everyone will get.
AMD says it knows why it lags Nvidia and it wants to change; as such AMD is going to become a software focused company like Nvidia. AMD says it now knows that just trying to sell hardware doesn't work anymore. AMD says it is increasing its software team size by 300%

Good, The more competition, The better products everyone will get.

They really had no choice but to do this sooner than later as the gap was just getting too big. Hopefully this will also mean we'll see more of a push from them with getting their tech into games quicker and providing better support to devs when needed.
AMD says it knows why it lags Nvidia and it wants to change; as such AMD is going to become a software focused company like Nvidia. AMD says it now knows that just trying to sell hardware doesn't work anymore. AMD says it is increasing its software team size by 300%

****s can't even give us a decent upscale and they say this, smh.
AMD says it knows why it lags Nvidia and it wants to change; as such AMD is going to become a software focused company like Nvidia. AMD says it now knows that just trying to sell hardware doesn't work anymore. AMD says it is increasing its software team size by 300%

Welcome to 2004 AMD, you're not just making Athlon64 processors and then Microsoft goes "oh... that's neat, let's build an OS around this technology" followed by every software developer "we had better make 64Bit applications so we don't get left behind"

For example, Radeon GPUs have had tessellation capabilities at least two generations ahead of NVIDIA, which was only exploited by developers after Microsoft standardized it in the DirectX 11 API, the same happened with Mantle and DirectX 12. In both cases, the X-factor NVIDIA enjoys is a software-first approach, the way it engages with developers, and more importantly, the install-base (over 75% of the discrete GPU market-share). There have been several such examples of AMD silicon packing exotic accelerators across its hardware stack that haven't been properly exploited by the software community. The reasons are usually the same—AMD has been a hardware-first company.

Or yes to use another example.

PS: that was DX 10, not DX 11.

Why is Tesla a hotter stock than General Motors? Because General Motors is an automobile company that happens to use some technology in its vehicles; whereas Tesla is a tech company that happens to know automobile engineering. Tesla vehicles are software-defined devices that can transport you around. Tesla's approach to transportation has been to understand what consumers want or might need from a technology standpoint, and then building the hardware to achieve it. In the end, you know Tesla for its savvy cars, much in the same way that you know NVIDIA for GPUs that "just work," and like Tesla, NVIDIA's revenues are overwhelmingly made up of hardware sales—despite them being software-first, or experience-first. Another example of exactly this would be Apple who have built a huge ecosystem of software and services that is designed to work extremely well together, but also locks people in their "walled garden," enabling huge profits for the company in the process.

There is it, you finally realised it, i'm not mocking, well done, no one cares how good your hardware is, no one cares that you are first with hardware features, by the time tessellation was mainstream in games Nvidia had built a software stack around it and supported it better than you did, by the time it was mainstream it ran better on Nvidia hardware then it did on your own, that's unforgivable, you invented one of the most important graphics IP in the history of Graphics and by the time that mattered you let your competitor beat you.
This is arguably when it all started, you didn't learn from that and you didn't learn anything there after...

This is not to say that AMD has neglected software at all—far from it, the company has played nice-guy by keeping much of its software base open-source, through initiatives such as GPUOpen and ROCm, which are great resources for software developers, and we definitely love the support for open source. It's just that AMD has not treated software as its main product, that makes people buy their hardware and bring in the revenues. AMD is aware of this and wants "to create a unified architecture across our CPU and RDNA, which will let us simplify [the] software." This looks like an approach similar to Intel's OneAPI, which makes a lot of sense, but it will be a challenging project. NVIDIA's advantage here is that they have just one kind of accelerator—the GPU, which runs CUDA—a single API for all developers to learn, which enables them to solve a huge range of computing challenges on hardware ranging from $200 to $30,000

ROCm was the first time i have ever seen you take creating your own software IP stack seriously, an actual competitor to CUDA, wow.... But then you stopped in house development of it and shoved it off to the Open Source enthusiasts to 'play about with' what? Why? you should have 100 people on this with an annual budget of $300 Million developing it 24/7, that's the least Nvidia did with CUDA.
If you want to collaborate with Intel that's great, but what you should be doing is helping each other tailor make it for your respective hardware, like CUDA with Nvidia, like you said that is their advantage, it doesn't need to run on some random hardware that you have nothing to do with, that's not your problem.

There is an Nvidia accelerator, an Intel accelerator and an AMD accelerator, the end user should be able to chose one and the software just works for that hardware, they shouldn't have to go to some Open Source repository for it and ask some spotty teenage genius why this aspect of the software doesn't work because he's the only one who understands it given he made it while stuffing his face with pizza one night.

In house, everything in house, its how all the successful tech companies do it, they do it themselves for themselves.

I'm looking forward to all sorts of cool new stuff from AMD over these next few years, now that you get it don't make a mess of it, hire the very best software developers, you can afford it now, you are a $280 Billion company, literally double that of Intel, you're no longer the underdog, start behaving like the top dog.
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While this is welcome news it will surely take years to bring benefits, and who knows what the GPU landscape will look like by then. I hope I'm wrong.

We could start to see the benefits of it sooner than you might think, if AMD have any urgency about it, you can get the best software developers on it if you pay them enough, if you get a lot of them on it you can get it done quickly.

AMD have a vast war chest to tap in to, the investment money, that's what its for, that's the whole idea of it, i give you money to help you grow and when you do that money has earned its interest.
In 2016 AMD was worth about $450 Million, they are now worth $280 Billion, $279.5 Billion more than they had in 2016, use some of it.....

AMD's fear is if they use it and something goes wrong and they lose it that money becomes debt, AMD's catastrophic fall from grace between 2009 and 2016 meant they lost their investors, they used some of that investment money which then became debt that crippled them, thier final act in a bit to survive long enough to get Zen 1 out was to sell their original 1969 home, it is now a carpark, that hurt, that really hurt. Scared for life kind of hurt.

Today AMD have functionally 0 debt.

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AMD says it knows why it lags Nvidia and it wants to change; as such AMD is going to become a software focused company like Nvidia. AMD says it now knows that just trying to sell hardware doesn't work anymore. AMD says it is increasing its software team size by 300%

That's some good bloody news! In a couple of gens AMD could be back and competing again.

If they can get the software sorted by the time their PS6 hardware is out it might be a huge success.

Good, The more competition, The better products everyone will get.

Indeed. With Intel in the game also my hope is in a couple of more gens it will be very interesting times.

It makes no sense

If AMD had a card in hand that was double the 7900xtx performance then why not release it, it would be significantly above the 4090. Unless of course its either BS, performance that only exists in a GPU emulation engine, or had stupid 800watt power draw
It makes no sense

If AMD had a card in hand that was double the 7900xtx performance then why not release it, it would be significantly above the 4090. Unless of course its either BS, performance that only exists in a GPU emulation engine, or had stupid 800watt power draw
Why would it have 800 Watts power draw? The 7900 XTX is less than half of that. If the 5090 is 50% faster than the 4090 no one is going to say that's impossible it would have 700 watts power draw.

The rumour is it got cancelled because it would be too expensive.
Coming to think of it i distinctly remember when the 6900 XT was rumoured to be 2X the 5700 XT, people said the same thing about that, Oh that's impossible, it would have 500 Watt power draw, well it is 2X the 5700 XT and its 300 watts power draw.
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