I agree the RT has been held back by consoles, but I don’t think it was lower RT performance that reduced AMD dGPU market share, it was **** poor launches and pricing. If a 7900 XTX was £800 and the 7900 XT was £650 or even £700 on release it would have sold a lot better. If the 7800 XT was not 7 months late to the party etc.
It was AMD marketing and pricing that caused the problems. If you believe it was lack of RT features that killed AMD market share that’s fair enough, I’m not saying it had zero impact. But the ever decreasing market share has been a problem since before the 2000 series and RT was even a thing.
AMD market share in 2010 was about 40%. In 2017 it was about 25%. A drop of about 2% per year on average and all before RT was ever even on the gamer GPU horizon. Do the maths based on that predicted trend and they were set to be around 10% right around… 2024.
Ain’t statistical analysis fun