You just hate AMD mate and everything you say is designed to make them look bad.
On a serious note, what was your thought's on the 9070XT? The main thing that impressed me is FSR4 if I am being honest. They did a very nice leap there. The rest of it was not as good as AMD made sound like and I honestly don't think £600 will be the normal price point based on what I have heard.
Overall I am much happier with what they have done here compared to 7000 series. But mainly because nvidia had a crap launch.
They need to really push and get FSR4 in many games now. If they can do this they will be a real option for me next gen. For now I am staying put on my 4070Ti as I have no need to upgrade right now as my huge backlog of games all run very well for my needs.
It's just fine tbh. I'm not surprised by FSR 4 because XeSS already showed it was not a difficult development (and hell, so did non-ML solutions when tweaked) it just required them to have that ML HW in the first place, because that was the obstacle - the main difference for SR has been the acceleration, that's why DLSS/XeSS ended up being clearly better than FSR, they had dedicated HW and that meant a LOT of extra acceleration, the fundamentals are otherwise the same. It's a bit different now, as DLSS adds things like ray reconstruction (crucial for PT, imo PT's unusable without it) and starts adding other things to it wrt neural rendering etc; the upscaling/AA part has always been straightforward tho.
If I step back and look at it, the only reason anyone's excited is due to price (and that's crucial ofc but seems like a temporary situation). It hit me when watching the DF review that I don't remember the last time when AMD was genuinely fighting (like AMD's better in X, but Nvidia is better in Y game), now it's just "omg look at how
close it gets to 70/Ti!" but never really (with the sole exception of CoD) AMD's just better. I hate that the excitement is about how these GPUs are almost
as good, rather than just bitch slapping the hell out of Nvidia, I mean a genuine contender. Personally I can't condone celebrating "we're almost as good", that's just a pathetic mindset, you celebrate when you win and are better.
It's not the end of the world, and I didn't really expect better this gen (I've said for years, AMD's all about the console cycle and desktop follows that), but it does make me a bit sad. The 9070 XT is still worse in every way than a 5070 Ti except for price, and we'll see how well even that holds. Given that, outside the 5090, Nvidia's basically re-heated the 4000 series, it should be concerning that this is the best AMD can do with an extra 2 years, especially since the high end is still wide open. Nvidia can fight across the entire range & win, AMD can do 'close enough' in the mid range (so long as they heavily discount), Intel can do almost enough in the low end (if I'm being generous; and selling at a loss). If Nvidia starts pushing more volume again this won't even be a discussion. Let's not ignore, if GPUs don't gain massive performance bumps every generation then that means the price difference means so much less (because it's spread out over more years) but the software features & driver support & efficiency mean so much more.
Certainly the 5000 series don't fill me with excitement either. Luckily for me, I have no game on the horizon where I feel the need (not want) to upgrade for, so I can just keep patiently waiting.