The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

Just finished Charlotte, and loved it.

3rd show now to get me all teary-eyed dammit! Angel Beats and Akame Ga Kill also had me welling up like a little beeyatch at times, haha
fumoffu is a spin-off second raid is considered to be actual sequel to full metal panic. if you haven't got it any of them on dvd/bd, anime limited is releasing a ultimate edition in December which as all three series in it.

They are doing a new season of FMP next year \o/
i readed while ago that there was plans to do another anime serise, and i belive there was annoncement few months ago that it was going ahead but, at this point all that is know is that it in fmp universe, weather it a sequal to second raid or spin off with new main characters, or spin off in the likes of fumoffu using existing main characters but in different setting out side of second raid and original FMP series.
Definitely Stein;Gate, awesome series.

Gurren is good as well, but it's beaten by the gate (now I really want to rewatch it, but no time when I can watch even new stuff!)
The Attack on Titan live action film is AWFUL!! We turned it off after 20 minutes :(

I can't imagine that being any good from just hearing about it, lol. Any idea when season 2 is out? Although if it stays true to the Manga I know exactly what'll be happening. Been waiting for the newest volume for a few months now :(
I see the GitS SAC Season 2 boxset is on Amazon deals this morning (Season 1 was on yesterday and appears to be coming again tomorrow morning). Very nice series (I'd pick it up myself but I have the singles)
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The Cowboy Bebop DVD collection is only £8 on Zavvi at the moment, which is a great price for a classic series.
I'm hoping the BD set will get a similar price...(I can but hope).
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