The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

If anyone is interested I spotted have Horizon in the middle of nowhere at ~£6 a series on Blu-ray (two seasons).
I saw a review of it and i'm sort of in two minds about watching it, as it seems like it's a biut too far.

I had a shipping confirmation for the new Claymore BD set today so that should arrive tomorrow or Saturday at a guess, I still haven't managed to read the complete manga box that I bought over a year ago though.
Just watched the latest episode of Season 2 of Konosuba.... in stitches the whole episode. Loving it especially Darkness' in this last episode.

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Anime Limited have just announced they've got Martian Successor Nadesico and will be releasing it on BD here.

Depending on price I may well go for it, as it's a favourite of mine, even if it does mean I'll then have it at least 4 times.
Watching Heavy Object ATM. Its a good bit of fun and a little ecchi. Also enjoyed relife. I found that rather interesting too and hope for a 2nd series of that.
Anime Limited have just announced they've got Martian Successor Nadesico and will be releasing it on BD here.

Depending on price I may well go for it, as it's a favourite of mine, even if it does mean I'll then have it at least 4 times.

I saw the post on their blog page yesterday I thought that very tempting tv series, movie Blu-ray collection with bonus dvd with ova just got to wait and see what price it at. :)
Aye price is probably going to be the decider, although hopefully they'll do an offer when ordering it direct like they did with Claymore, FMP, Escaflowne and Aldnoah.

Checking my anime collection list I've already got it as
The Austrailian DVD's - about a tenner each back in 2002
The UK ADV complete collection - £8, I picked it up from a short lived DVD outlet in Milton Keynes (who I think must have bought up stock for clearance as it was a large store that was only there for about 6 months and didn't have much of any 1 title) around 2006
The TRSI remastered set in 2012.

I have the ADV release of Martian Successor Nadesico but I can't remember if I ever watched it or not! Depending on price I may pick up a BD release.


As bad as they may be (and having watched the first disk they are not that bad in reality) I'll take them over the Bandai DVD release which is from the time where it was pot luck whether any of their disks actually played ...
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