Suzume is on there.
Just purchased a GOVEE TV Lite 3 for £70 on Amazon reduced from 110/120 to further the Anime experienced

Suzume is on there.
I can't remember which fate I watched, 2 seasons and quite enjoyed it. It had Gilgamesh as an op character.Watching Fate Apocyphia(?) on Netflix and it's very good! Oldie but goody. Was a huge fan of the original Fate!
Probably Fate/Zero, it's the best one I think.
Unlimited Blade Works is set after it though I think, also worth watching. They sort of spoil eachother a bit, Zero is a prequel.
I don't think I've seen Heavenly Feels....
Heavenly feels haha!
The movie trilogy is sort of a different route/path from UBW as far as I understand it. The Fate universe is complicated.
I watched this order and felt it was OK:
The movies are very nicely animated and worth a watch, there are some really good fight scenes in them. I really liked the Rider fight probably even more so than the Berserker one.
- Fate/Zero (series)
- Fate/Unilimited Blade Works (series)
- Heavens Feel trilogy (movies)
Haha at the typo!
I've seen the other 2, and another one I think....not the movies.
If you watched the first 2 I think you'll be OK to watch the movie trilogy, be prepared for more visuals than sensible story though.
I think I remember that fight but not in this quality. Was there a remake?
I think I remember that fight but not in this quality. Was there a remake?
Used to be on crunchyroll but it was pulled i think. Netflix has it but its region locked. I think it's kinda limited due to licensing and also some of story (ending of the 2nd one springs to mind)Are the 3 Fate movies on any streaming platforms?
Aye, dunno which regions though. I found them via alternate meansVPN it is then!
I have just booked my tickets with 3 of my friends at Westfield London. Geek out on Gundam goodness.