The problem is that the situation is an immensely complex one. Yes, at its root it's about land, but it's not just Israel vs Palestine, but types of Jews vs types of Arabs who have very strong opposing views and believe that they have a populous identity tied to that land. Add onto that some allied powers and a situation that has constantly developed over the decades [and centuries], add a strong religious basis and it gets very hard to solve. In fact, it's almost impossible because there are so many different parts at play.
No proposed solution has worked, and every historical argument can be countered with another. It's permanent chicken and egg. The only way the spat will ever 'end' is for one of the 'sides' to be permanently decimated by the other. They both know this, so when one hits, the other hits back harder.
If you really want a good answer to your question, you would have to read, at some length, the history of the conflict. I don't mean Googling articles, but reading books and/or studying papers. You will see not only how awful both sides have been to the other, but how dreadful they have been to their own kind. It's actually all very interesting, and very tragic, and ultimately shows the human race up as being an aggressively selflish species, not that that distinguishes us from the rest of nature by much.