I've rewatched season 5, 4, 3 and 2 since the current series started. It's made me take off my rose tinted glasses tbh, the contestants going back are just as bad as the recent series. The only difference is we were much more into "Reality" shows back then and it was much more popular and got less negative feedback.
Despite contestants being just as idiotic as today, we took a liking to them, and the advisors interviewers were less mean in general. The tasks were all newer as well, so felt less repetitive. It was much more of a cultural thing back then, I guess we didn't really have streaming or non linear viewing yet either. I definitely remember people talking about Last nights episode in my office every week. Not sure if it still like that these days. Maybe someone who works in an office in the UK can comment?
Literally just finished Series 2 and there were soo many cockups! Michelle Dewberry, The Badger, Saeed and Paul. All made so many errors yet were just more likeable or maybe I was less mean back then!
Series 3 with Simon Ambrose, Katie Hopkins, Tre not much better.
Series 4 with Lee "Reverse Pterodactyl", Claire, Raef Bjayou mostly the same.
Series 5 with Yasmina, Kate Walsh and the idiot Phil Taylor.
In short, contestants have always been donuts, the viewers were just kinder back then!