It doesn't do that on mine. Does it revert back if you set the hz in the control panel rather than use the turbo button?
Yeah my bad, such a rookie mistake lol. Guess I was too busy trying to get BF4 to run properly... and failing at that.
Have you set the refresh rate to 120/144Hz when in Nvidia control panel or through windows display settings?
It sounds like your desktop is set to 60Hz...
Any reason why 120Hz instead of 144Hz?
While you're in the Nvidia control panel, go to "Adjust desktop colour settings", select "use NVIDIA settings" and play around with the following settings:
Reduce gamma to 0.85-0.90
Increase digital vibrancy to 55-65%
I like how that improves the colours compared to the IPS monitor it is sitting next to. Still not quite up to par of course... but I like it and others in this thread have come to similar settings.
Thanks, yeah that was it. Quite a few people have had issues running at 144Hz and I have enough problems without adding to them, so stuck with 120Hz.
Excellent, I'll give those colour settings a go. What monitor settings do you have? User with RGB 95/100/100 I saw mentioned somewhere.