For 60hz users this will be a massive upgrade, ULMB/GSYNC excluded. When I went from 60hz IPS to 120 TN it was night and day in games.
Very misleading. Depends what you went from and to and what games.
For 60hz users this will be a massive upgrade, ULMB/GSYNC excluded. When I went from 60hz IPS to 120 TN it was night and day in games.
1) ULMB work on AMD?
So how about the screen, tell me how much you love is insteed of this clown talk about how to enable g-sync. I mean WFT, you cant even enable it and dont have a clue about the red ring ..LOL!
You guys, can you EVEN install a driver or should we help you with that aswell LOL!
Very misleading. Depends what you went from and to and what games.
guys less squabbling and more pictures?
So how about the screen, tell me how much you love is insteed of this clown talk about how to enable g-sync. I mean WFT, you cant even enable it and dont have a clue about the red ring ..LOL!
You guys, can you EVEN install a driver or should we help you with that aswell LOL!
+1 but wait, maybe we have to read about millions of post of how to enable g-sync or, bla bla g-sync is crap it's not working, and those dudes havent even a clue about how to enable it first ..LOL!
So yeah, they deserves to be mocked around a little
Frankly, I'm a little disappointed with this.... disappointed that I now have to find a way to get this monitor.
Some negative feedback would have been appreciated!
Here is a short list of what I like about this screen:
- ULMB and GSYNC in that order. Will try ULMB mode during the day today and let you know if it suffers from brightness issues.
- High res smooth gaming
- The build quality, packaging. You really feel like you have a solid product (like a high end 30" screen)
- I like the OSD shortcuts, especially for the in-game crosshair which I use allot now. Only hope is that they add more crosshairs via a firmware upgrade (not sure if this is possible or planned).
- Color reproduction is really nice. Running the TFT Central profile with 24 brightness seems to work for me. I may decide to calibrate when I get around to it - but I'm happy the way that it is at the moment
Well I've asked Asus for 500pc, they are hoping they can deliver 150-200 units to me in 2-3 weeks which gives us enough stock to cover all pre-orders and leave spare stock.
So get ordering.