Smogsy, I still end up queueing for some reason.![]()
server decided to reset my reserved list setting to off now fixed.
also their is a bug with bf4 where it doesn't pick it up just stop joining & re-join again & it pick it up
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Smogsy, I still end up queueing for some reason.![]()
I'll be joining you guys tomorrow when the update hits. Hopefully your regular server will have the night maps running in the rotation. Zavod and SoS at night =![]()
server decided to reset my reserved list setting to off now fixed.
Nice kills. I've been trying to do the same with the RPG which has been going well but is difficult to land at range. I only prefer the RPG because it does more damage to tanks.
Poor mynight though.
I'd love to help but I haven't found one of the hidden dogtags yet, and am unlikely to finish the other phantom achievements as I am the BF4 flying equivalent of Ba Baracus.![]()
Congrats joe!
Good fun tonight, some nice jet shots tonight, isn't that right mynight?![]()
How do.
Not played any BF in some time. Been playing Tribes Ascend.
Where do I get CTE? What size is it? What is this server I have been reading about with people donating to? Are most of you using it, and if so where do I send my monaaaay?
Will be around from about 5pm - 9ish tonight if anyone is about. I will jump on TS.
I will be around during the day today for some Gun Master.
What time is the patch droping.?