The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

it already has

Oh it's normally around 10-11. Sod that way too early.

I need food and coffee first.

*edit* - Update done, initial impressions are that the AN-94 and L85 are decent, easy to control. Both the Groza weapons seem decent also.

The Mares Leg could be epic fun. Time to find a Gun Master game...
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tried new patch. :(

load outs rekt. red tracer rounds every shot :confused:

my beloved mortars are now ruined. you cant deploy until 45 secs in :(

that means all tdm is now just sniper sniper sniper. forever dice :(
Yeah it was awesome in bf 3 and CSS although I think the CQ maps in bf 3 helped with that so I don't think it will be as fun with the bf 4 maps.

Only thing is, be sure to join when the round has just started, not fun starting with a pistol when everyone has the best weapons i.e. assault rifles :p
Yeah it was awesome in bf 3 and CSS although I think the CQ maps in bf 3 helped with that so I don't think it will be as fun with the bf 4 maps.

Only thing is, be sure to join when the round has just started, not fun starting with a pistol when everyone has the best weapons i.e. assault rifles :p

If the weapon selections are similar to CTE, it's not as bad as you'd think joining a game halfway though. You're unlikely to win the round, but the first few weapons are easymode so while the others are trying to use an UNICA or that rail gun from the final stand you'll be using a decent assault rifle.
True that, only had a few that worked that way in bf 3, generally in bf 3, they went from pistol>PDW>shogtun>assault rifle>LMG>sniper and usually the last 2 weapons were the grenade launcher/noobtube and the knife :D
Gun Master is great, sadly though everyone just camps corners and moans bc they are stuck on the Level 3 weapon lol
yeah vincent just told me to twitter David Sirland dice la about it. :(

hopefully they sort it.

people don't realize mortar is quite nabish but it keeps it from just being 20 snipers in one spot. keeps the game moving and fluid.especially in TDM
Didn't they fix the tracer rounds? I complained about them in the CTE ages ago and that if they were going to remain then flash hider and supressor should hide them at least otherwise stealth is ruined.

Not too fussed about the mortar but 45 second delay is OTT. I bet the sniper wookies complained about them and UCAVS killing them from their same spot over and over again lol

Gunmaster is a great party mode but does NOT suit BF4. The map designs are crap and spawns weren't dynamic enough to encourage players that camping will result in you getting killed regardless. If you're expecting it to be like Donya Fortress, Ziba, Scrap tower then you're in for disappointment.
For some reason i always get stuck on the bow - Hazard knows about the rage!

Bow I can handle, but that ******* rail gun with 12x scope and a 2 sec trigger delay in CQC is madness! :D

Gun Master is great, sadly though everyone just camps corners and moans bc they are stuck on the Level 3 weapon lol

Didn't see that too much on the CTE servers, teams tended to group together and sweep into the enemy spawn (at which point the spawns swap).

For proper camping, see tbyeah, mynight and me house party on a pistol and knife golmond TDM. :D
Bow I can handle, but that ******* rail gun with 12x scope and a 2 sec trigger delay in CQC is madness! :D

Didn't see that too much on the CTE servers, teams tended to group together and sweep into the enemy spawn (at which point the spawns swap).

For proper camping, see tbyeah, mynight and me house party on a pistol and knife golmond TDM. :D

That was hardcore camping :o holding down a little fort :cool:
Gunmaster is a great party mode but does NOT suit BF4. The map designs are crap and spawns weren't dynamic enough to encourage players that camping will result in you getting killed regardless. If you're expecting it to be like Donya Fortress, Ziba, Scrap tower then you're in for disappointment.

Wanted you to be wrong but sadly you got it right the maps just don't work as they are :(
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