The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I check in this thread every now and again and over the last couple of pages it seems that there is a lot of man-children with admin powers plaing this game out of their mothers basement banning people haha.

I used to love going on COD servers with the 'no bunny hopping' rule and bunnyhop everywhere, badmins get some mad because they can't kill you and i'd get insta-banned.
I check in this thread every now and again and over the last couple of pages it seems that there is a lot of man-children with admin powers plaing this game out of their mothers basement banning people haha.

You're not wrong on that point.

GG's tonight
I got kicked from a no rules server cos i knifed 1 admin shotguned another and then c4d the aa(his other clan member). In battlelog it said the reason was "bad player" . I logged back in and asked why i was kicked and he said cos i was using a shotgun. I asked if shotguns were against rules and he said no. Then he asked if i was german and i said no. So he then said i wasnt aloud on the server cos i wasnt german. I spawned back into the game shotguned him, teabagged him and left the server. Some people......
There's a couple of badmins which I'm becoming more convinced about as time goes on. They're handing out a disproportionate amount of bans compared to the others. One of them cries whenever you kill them and threatens you with a ban for doing X when you didn't even do it lol.

Good games tonight killed that server good :D.
meh games for me tbh, wasn't feeling it tonight :(

Jets are just no fun now, I don't know what it is really, they are definitely a lot weaker overall but there is just something else about them that is of... so yeah, attack and stealth jet is free if anyone wants them :p

Will be playing a fair bit more infantry now I think especially on hainan unless I get the aa before stu.... :p

Enjoying the an94 A LOT though, seriously that thing with burst fire, my god...... so ****ing good!

I quite fancy playing some DLC over the weekend for a change, up for that?
Yeah just have to force stulid to sort himself out and buy the last dlc :p.

Weirdly I'm better in jets since the nerf. I guess the 313 thing went against me.

Love my helis now though.


Hmmm, might try it out then, not sure what to say though....possibly something along the lines of:

- game not stable, crashing every now and then
- even when I can play, getting insta kills, rubber banding etc.

Checked my system, nothing wrong etc. etc.

any ideas?
Yeah just have to force stulid to sort himself out and buy the last dlc :p.

Weirdly I'm better in jets since the nerf. I guess the 313 thing went against me.

Love my helis now though.

Maybe he could get the dlc to review :p :D

Yeah I think the jets are more sluggish overall and the 313 thing definitely doesn't seem to matter as much now, either that, or every pilot I have gone up against is able to maintain 313....

Haven't used the helis much, might try piloting the attack heli again, I loved/whored that in the beta lol
Go for it. Between me you and sidey you and sidey will win every time lol.

Me and kiwi went 26-0 in the lb squeeze was there at the beginning until he stole the AA :D.
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ocuk heli rape anyone? :D

I do love piloting helis but when you get a good few kills, then stinger warriors come out in force and it just becomes a pita to fly then :(

26-0... Damn hax! Smogsy ban him.


This is me when I get c4'd, happened to me a few times tonight


I must admit there is nothing more satisfying than ending yours and joshes kill streak :D. Even if it means sacrificing myself(many times over) lol.

Let's rule the sky's :D.

Stingers are annoying especially in open air maps. Golmud other than F there's nowhere to hide. If they fire before you can get out of lock you can't outrun the missile :(. I'm sure stingers should be limited in range ie 450m max for a lock but if the heli can get to 800m then the stinger runs out of juice. Atm its lock on deploy flares lock on dead.

Wouldn't be smogsy that bans me(I hope :D) I have two other names in mind that would lol.
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PFFFFFFFT yo you and your c4! :p

But yeah, it is satisfying killing the c4 jihads too lol

Only maps I will fly the heli on are:

- dawn
- siege
- flood zone
- hainan

Anything else is just a pita when you got an aa with activ and **** all cover.....
ocuk heli rape anyone? :D

I do love piloting helis but when you get a good few kills, then stinger warriors come out in force and it just becomes a pita to fly then :(

One of my favourite things in the game was going gunner with someone who was a proper top 1% pilot on the attack chopper something so satisfying about it.
Tried a game of 64+ lockers after you all left, knew something was wrong when one guy on the enemy team had 250+ kills by himself and I quit with 1000 tickets still left.
Feeling untouchable is great lol. I'm probably top 30% working upwards though :)

Mainly because stu whores it :D.

To be fair he is a monster in it. Just put him on mute and jump into it lol.

Not so much the untouchable but that some of the really good ones are right there in the middle of the action living by down to the wire calculations and its a hell of a ride just trying to stay on top of the targets buying them as much time as possible.

Tried a game of 64+ lockers after you all left, knew something was wrong when one guy on the enemy team had 250+ kills by himself and I quit with 1000 tickets still left.

200+ kills on 64 player lockers server is fairly easy to get (getting it with a good KDR a bit harder) but 64 player lockers was turning into a hackers paradise when I last played :S
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200+ kills on 64 player lockers server is fairly easy to get (getting it with a good KDR a bit harder) but 64 player lockers was turning into a hackers paradise when I last played :S

I just looked at the battle report.

He was on 286/80 kd when I quit.
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