The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Getting an insane memory leak where the game eventually uses 12GB of RAM after about 30 minutes and then crashes :/

Edit: Using the 32 bit client seems to have fixed it, and the stuttering too. Hmm.
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Yup GG's last night. Had some close rounds on a few maps.

Much rage also. Will be on tonight for more of the same.
There is not really that much relearning to be honest. I'm actually enjoying the game more post patch.

I don't see why they need to screw with tanks though - they are not necessarily OP and are great fun as they are.

But they nerfed bunny hopping also, try it. :(

Yes I am the person constantly hopping from flag to flag or hopping to avoid bullets.

There isn't bunny hopping in BF games, this isn't a quake / CS game. The fake bunny hopping was nerfed from BF3 into BF4 so has never been effective in BF4

I've had a couple of tricky bunnyhoppers to deal with as a tank gunner recently, but that could easily be a combination of laggy tank and bad aim.
I still remember the bunnny hoping days of CS < 1.3. You could make it to CT spawn before they got out and get quad headshots. But yes, tribes is really the king in this area. Impulse jumps, sking and routes.

Tribes Ascend had the potential to be one of the best competitive games ever and Hi Rez screwed it up :(
my old admin mate used to rage at me for bunny hopping and every game at start said " if you bunny hop just once i will ban you you dolphin diving bunny hopping ******** :D "

which just used to make us hop even more.
It's a valid tactic. I still jump in the hope that the extra fractions of a second I get from them shooting my legs rather than chest I get a kill.
LOL It's that cheating scum on the team you were playing on I was getting frustrated with.

It didn't help that you were getting excited about spawn killing me shortly after I'd been killed by the man with no gun every time. OcUKrs should stick together.
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