The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Smogsy, how does your "suspicious" ranking work?

I notice Xinami is listed but nothing suspicious is seen on metabans/bf4db/247fairplay
He's a very good player though.
It checks
k/d ratio
Every gun/vec k/d ratio

compares then to battlelog stats for that player
If their a big difference or quite high their noted their
Mainly for reference sometimes you notice obvious cheaters

For example his Battlelog K/D ratio is 3.2 a lot lower, but his not played much on server 2. so over time it will even out.

but say a player on battlelog has 0.70 K/D joins our server and has K/D of 10.10 that would be very suspicous why has suddenly got so good say over 100 kills?

We also have an automated hs/ratio tracker
if a player gets 75% Headfshots Large number = instant ban

automated damage modifier tracker
If a hacker modified his damage for x gun in game files if it does not match bf4 official number instant ban is enforced

Everything is tracked & saved in case it can be used later in more automated systems.
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What are people's thoughts on being res'd if it means a player equips your medic class, gets you up but then you're left with the sniper class for example?

-Would you rather you were left to respawn?
-Does it depend on the game mode?
-Does it depend what class you were left with?
-Are you just shocked that someone revived you in the first place?
What are people's thoughts on being res'd if it means a player equips your medic class, gets you up but then you're left with the sniper class for example?

-Would you rather you were left to respawn?
-Does it depend on the game mode?
-Does it depend what class you were left with?
-Are you just shocked that someone revived you in the first place?

it should work like this,
The person who borrows your kit Should not Gain your kit, he should only:

1. Inherit the Defibs for X Seconds Revive the players needed (no weapon switch allowed during this period)

2. after x seconds defibs are removed from him.

3. after a x grace period returns to the player he borrowed them from (to prevent statpadding)
Well my plans of going out tonight have gone out the window doctor has put me on Anti-inflammatories.

So no heavy drinking for me, guess ill be on BF tonight aswel
What are people's thoughts on being res'd if it means a player equips your medic class, gets you up but then you're left with the sniper class for example?

-Would you rather you were left to respawn?
-Does it depend on the game mode?
-Does it depend what class you were left with?
-Are you just shocked that someone revived you in the first place?

no issues if you dont want to be revived then just redeploy?
if its conquest the ticket could be important.
just find a dead body and get a different kit.
its only a game .
Smogsy, how does your "suspicious" ranking work?

I notice Xinami is listed but nothing suspicious is seen on metabans/bf4db/247fairplay
He's a very good player though.

LOL, thanks for that. Had a good laugh :D

Wouldn't be a bad idea if I actually got banned, then I wouldn't have to play on that **** server again...
All my settings have been reset somehow got all my graphic settings back to normal but i cant quite get the FOV right.

Any suggestions? it doesnt look quite right at the default settings
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