The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

That message came after the nuke to be fair.

Some of us were backing off but it seems it kills everyone regardless.

Must admit I was surprised no one was outside lol rather lucky.
unfortunately you cannot target parts of the team :(

we was outside i capped B & A but no one spawned on me so we lost it quickly.

their was talks of having a double-featured nuke.
as when you nuke most are already re-spawned without getting nuked. the second nuke would just kill those players
Though we rarely use nukes, I Try not to use them at all, so seems wasted time.

im more interested in automating functions & making features for all players like Ranks, Win VIP & others.
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Ah nothing more frustrating than your team letting themselves be suppressed into spawn on lockers and then acting like headless chickens and even when you get a spawn beacon or flag behind the enemy team no one in your squad/team uses it :S I like the challenge of breaking out and clawing back the win but so frustrating when half the time witless team mates get in the way.
Yeah wasn't feeling it again tonight :( I like the idea of this latest patch and how it has made the skill ceiling higher overall but my god, it just feels like they have removed everything that made the game "fun".

I couldn't stick being on a metro server getting killed by the same ****ing airburst scrub over and over again, most rage inducing thing ever.... As wndsr would say, I hope his ****ing pc goes on fire! Seriously 35k kills with it and all he does is play metro, how ****ing boring.....

PITA trying to find servers when we got so many people on as well.

Be on for some bf 4 and gta 5 this weekend though, I still really want to do that windmills of rage race in gta :D



wonder if I should uninstall hardline to reinstall bf 3....
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actually just laugh. recent patch made skill ceiling higher. its a console game rofl.

i said when they released latest patch they ruined the game. its wasnt great but fun.

i also said no youtubers would go against and say its bad. i only seen one which i was surprised as it was hadoukenzzz yeah i know its wrong :D

the game is just **** how you carry on after the patch god knows.
You adapt and learn. Sidey proved earlier the attack jet is still OP josh found the lsat which replaces the nerfed mg4.

I won't lie I miss how it was but I still enjoy the game.
Any tips to how I can improve as a tank gunner?

Main Battle Tanks
Gunner Optics: Gunner Zoom
Gunner Upgrade: Gunner Belt Feeder

Primary Weapon: AP Shell
Secondary Weapon: Coaxial LMG
Countermeasure: IR Smoke
Optics: Zoom Optics
Upgrades: Maintenance
Paint: Default

- What loadout should I chose?
- Should I stop repping at 75%, or does the last 25% make a difference? I would have thought auto repair would kick in anyway.
- Does active protection work even with rpg's or is it lock on weapons only? If AP works activates with any incoming projectile how do I know when to fire a rpg at a tank, without wasting it?
- Should I continue to fire at choppers, it only does little damage anyway?
- At what taken damage percentage does a tank driver want repping? 50% seem right?
-Anything else?

Gameplay with Kiwi
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For me it depends on the map what I run.

I normally always run Zoom & Prox on wide open maps, for more City style maps I run IRNV and Prox. Tap fire targets with the MG, only mag dump if they are close and pushing.

I either rep when the the tank is -50% or when Active Protection is running.

I always fire at choppers if they are close, helps the knock down the health, have sneaked a few destorys/kills from this also, if the chopper is engaging us and is higher than the tank barrel can rise especially.

I try to rep too full depending on how many infy are around, if it's a 1v1 tank battle I will get our and rep the tank from behind using it as a shield.

If I'm tank driver it's Sabot & HMG for me, with Active Protection and Belt Feeder.

Depends on the driver though - everyone has a different play style.

change gunner upgrade to prox scan

change ir smoke to APS

IR is good as gunner on the likes of dawnbreaker, zavod

can keep ap if you want, I prefer sabot

I use auto loader although I don't think it works with sabot that well so might change to reactive armour

burst fire when in gunner seat, no more than 1-2 bullets

use HMG, again no more than 1-2 bullet bursts

for repping, you shouldn't let the tank get less than 75% imo, although it depends entirely on the situation, if you only have 1 or 2 engis with rpgs, I wouldn't really worry unless HP goes below 50 but if you have 3/4+ guys then jump out straight away as soon as the tank takes damage and start repping although if the situation is really bad then the tank driver should be backing up

When repping, always try to go behind the tank as not only will you be covered but if needs be I can back up and push you back to so I don't leave you behind, of course if the enemies are behind the tank then don't go to the back of the tank :p

APS blocks any rocket/rpg except TV missiles, you know it is working when you see a green light, once you see a red light, it is down

might as well shoot at aircraft but only if they are close to you, no point engaging them when they are half way across the map

Right, I have been doing some reading and testing myself for the last hour and this is what I have done/will use for now:

AN 94 on burst for assault still
UMP 45 for engi
LSAT for support
CLSR41 for when I am recon

No attachments except laser and scope

stealth jet to 30mm, 25mm seems **** now

changed my colour hud for tanks and jets etc. to yellow, much better than the pink I had

Messed with burst firing some weapons and it seems like you are better of burst firing up to 5/6 bullets now, before the spread increase crap I was doing 1-3 at most, you can still do that but you need to wait for a decent bit longer before you start your next burst, of course it depends on how far you are from your enemy...

Still not sure about the attack jet and the 30mm cannon and if they are weaker or not as I jumped in the test range and didn't have issues taking boats out in one strafe, not sure if perhaps there is an increased spread thing for the cannons as well now? I always short burst fired it but think I might go with longer bursts now

Removed my FPS cap, so no longer 125, getting 200 fps now lol, although I'm not sure if I should just go back to limiting my fps to 59 and turn on in game vsync, very little input lag and no screen tearing then. Is there any benefit to having higher fps on a 60hz screen like there is in some other FPS MP games?
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All good points. You were protecting the rear which is important and also jumping out to let an RPG off which can make a big difference. The only thing I would add is only fire at stuff you can hit as it will otherwise give away the tanks position. For reping TS helps a lot. It's often difficult to know when depending on the situation. As a driver you are always trying to optimise your position so sometimes it's better to retreat and fight another day rather than to rep. Can't avoid that though if you're not on coms. I am terrible at staying still, just ask Hazard.
I usually jump out when the driver pops AP and get ready if possible. It will also give you time to fire/reload an rpg/smaw.

Remember that what ever direction your cannon is facing will be the direction you will exit the tank. If you're facing the gun forwards you will exit at the side, which can be a bad move, depending on which side you're gettting shot at. So when it comes time to rep, turn to look behind you and get out. Now is also a good time to throw flashbangs at the enemy tank (try it). :)

If you want to step things up you can also run smoke as the driver and switch seats when being spammed by locks, so the driver can switch to reps. Only really advisable if you're on comms/TS.

Make sure you have mechanic perk set up for faster reps.
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