The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Lol just been playing Heroes & Generals, F2P but P2W involved.

Still better than BFH. WW2 fps's need to come back :(
Ah yes, make sure you have the fast rep kit for engi when repping, makes a nice difference!

Also changed my grenades to flash bangs now, stupidly OP!

That game looks pretty fun Josh! And yup I am sick of "modern" shooters, can't wait for battlefront :cool:

Haven't used it in a proper game yet... but after hearing Josh last night and doing some reading this morning, I promptly jumped in test range and it does seem pretty damn good in terms of no recoil and being laser accurate :p

The rpk74m is pretty damn good too if you want a hard hitter.


Yeah I seen that when looking at symthic forums today although I just find it really **** against vehicles now :/ Seen a few of the sym guys saying that there have been no changes to the attack jet etc. as well but then see others saying that they have adjusted the 313 speed and cannon....

I might be on in the next 15 or so mins.

I really hope DICE reverse the ucav/mortar changes, missing it so much :(
Thanks for the tips josh, nexus, kiwi. I will just change to proximity and take onboard the other stuff. As for the weapons having no grip and barrel attachments just seems strange but I find it hard understanding all the Symthic graphs and stuff, I will try again.
AUK server = awful balance.

The worst ever.

I do all the damage to the opposition, then half way through the match it switches me to the other team that I have just helped to destroy.

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