The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Hey everyone, I just decided to give Battlefield 4 a go today after not playing for quite a while. Probably not played in 4-6 months. And now the game seems unplayable.

I joined a few servers and got kicked for "high ping" even though I'm on 100mb virgin media and I did a ping test online and it said 18ms ping so didnt quite understand that.

And the second problem was in the short brief periods I could play before getting kicked I had really bad rubber banding issues.

So then I tried joining UK severs instead of the ones I was joining before which were german/french and then instead of getting kicked for high ping it just says "connection timed out"?

I remember when I use to play Battlefield 4 and I had no issues with lag, or getting kicked, or rubber banding, and now I have all three isuses?

Is there a fix for this and can anyone shed any light on what I should do?

I did google this and found loads of people on blogs/forums etc saying the same thing and that the game is broken and everyone is screaming for fixes?

I found these two links with news on the issues as well:
Well both of those articles are a year old.

The game isn't broken, far from it tbh. As for people "screaming for fixes" are you sure it isn't Battlefield Hardline that you are on about? The game plays fine.

Sounds like it's all your end tbh, reset your router as most of the things you have pointed to are connection type issues.
Well both of those articles are a year old.

The game isn't broken, far from it tbh. As for people "screaming for fixes" are you sure it isn't Battlefield Hardline that you are on about? The game plays fine.

Sounds like it's all your end tbh, reset your router as most of the things you have pointed to are connection type issues.

Yeah I noticed the articles were quite old which is why I was even more concerned. And I've been playing other games online with no issues.

Games like GTA 5, Elite & Dangerous, Call of Duty Advanced Warefare etc are all running ok. But I'll restart my modem now and see if that makes a difference.

Also people are saying that the plugin no longer works with google chrome so do we have to use firefox now to play battlefield 4? or are you guys still using chrome?

I've always used chrome and only have chrome installed at the moment.

I also disabled origin in-game as some people were saying that makes a difference but its still the same.
Update punkbuster
Open ports on your router for bf4
Update NIC drivers
Make sure no service that is utalising your network is running in the background

If you're getting kicked for high ping it looks like you're getting ping spikes.
just that this test due to methodology and the state of the game doesn't show what thr input lag is like now.

That's true. My argument was rather that the level of input lag would be similar between non GSYNC @ 300fps+ and GSYNC. Guess you would have to run the tests again to understand what that is, although if we're still talking about BF4 then battlefield nonsense has already given a good view.
Hey everyone, I just decided to give Battlefield 4 a go today after not playing for quite a while. Probably not played in 4-6 months. And now the game seems unplayable.

I joined a few servers and got kicked for "high ping" even though I'm on 100mb virgin media and I did a ping test online and it said 18ms ping so didnt quite understand that.

And the second problem was in the short brief periods I could play before getting kicked I had really bad rubber banding issues.

So then I tried joining UK severs instead of the ones I was joining before which were german/french and then instead of getting kicked for high ping it just says "connection timed out"?

I remember when I use to play Battlefield 4 and I had no issues with lag, or getting kicked, or rubber banding, and now I have all three isuses?

Is there a fix for this and can anyone shed any light on what I should do?

I did google this and found loads of people on blogs/forums etc saying the same thing and that the game is broken and everyone is screaming for fixes?

I found these two links with news on the issues as well:

Internet quality can deteriorate over time. Have you run a thinkbroadband test recently?
just setup a new server for testing purposes feel free to play on it.

i want to test different game modes :)

Set up as:
No Plugins everything standard.
48 players 2 commanders
Offical server
Classic Mode
Conquest Large
All Maps
No Rules

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OcUK bf4 server- anyone ever play?

Does anyone ever actually play on the OcUK BF4 server, I keep looking in hope but end up alone and dissapointed.."plays himself a tiny violin"
I'd love to be in a clan but from my experience most take things too seriously when playing pub matches. Besides in BF3 my accuracy is shockingly bad even with the noob rifle (m16a3) but I still rack loads of kills and have a high'ish spm in games. Maybe I should enlist the help of clan members to help improve my accuracy as I tend to run out of bullets often now I swapped the amo perk for cover.

Just looking at my last game:

Accuracy 17% - That's awful. :( If it was around 23% I'd be chuffed to bits as that's ESL God Like. :D

ok following on from this, my accuracy has been improving. This mainly is because I have lowered my sensitivity, don't take pop shots at someone far away and don't worry about not reacting fast enough to do a 180 to get that person shooting behind my back.

If someone shot me in my back then that's my fault for being a n00b by not watching my flanks properly or was just outsmarted by the enemy.

Now the aimbot and hackusations have started to happen I feel chuffed to be bits :D, but I need to be consistent though. :rolleyes:

Last game was 22% :)
just setup a new server for testing purposes feel free to play on it.

i want to test different game modes :)

Set up as:
No Plugins everything standard.
48 players 2 commanders
Offical server
Classic Mode
Conquest Large
All Maps
No Rules

Had fun mate, sorry we seemed to kill it though. :(

Does anyone ever actually play on the OcUK BF4 server, I keep looking in hope but end up alone and dissapointed.."plays himself a tiny violin"

It belongs to OcUK, whereas we are just forum members, so we don't have any control over it. Added to which some people find us intimidating to play against, so it would be difficult to fill.

22-25% is ESL average 30% is in Godlike territory (bare in mind they play smaller maps)

My overall accuracy is so bad, but I spent hundreds of hours locking down doorways in metro with a wall of spam mg4. I've got 14% with the ACE52 though which is a better representation of what I can do when I'm not not spraying everywhere. :D
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Good games as always today boys. Don't know what it is about Sunday arvos but we always seem to have cracking games.
My overall accuracy is so bad, but I spent hundreds of hours locking down doorways in metro with a wall of spam mg4. I've got 14% with the ACE52 though which is a better representation of what I can do when I'm not not spraying everywhere. :D

Keep in mind you tend to play conquest maps rather than domination. I am around 19-22% for most guns on conquest although due to being a very low sens player on domination maps I can normally hit 30%
22-25% is ESL average 30% is in Godlike territory (bare in mind they play smaller maps)

Well 22% was in conquest grand bazaar so it's not bad. If I want to maintain that accuracy how do I keep my spm and k/d high?

Classic Maps announcement today right?

Unless there has been a set back yes today DICE LA will tell us what their version of "Classic Maps" mean. :p
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