Hey everyone, I just decided to give Battlefield 4 a go today after not playing for quite a while. Probably not played in 4-6 months. And now the game seems unplayable.
I joined a few servers and got kicked for "high ping" even though I'm on 100mb virgin media and I did a ping test online and it said 18ms ping so didnt quite understand that.
And the second problem was in the short brief periods I could play before getting kicked I had really bad rubber banding issues.
So then I tried joining UK severs instead of the ones I was joining before which were german/french and then instead of getting kicked for high ping it just says "connection timed out"?
I remember when I use to play Battlefield 4 and I had no issues with lag, or getting kicked, or rubber banding, and now I have all three isuses?
Is there a fix for this and can anyone shed any light on what I should do?
I did google this and found loads of people on blogs/forums etc saying the same thing and that the game is broken and everyone is screaming for fixes?
I found these two links with news on the issues as well: