The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Dammit I was hoping we were going to get new maps today (Well Tuesday anyway). I guess the maps will be in the late summer patch if they happen.
Dammit I was hoping we were going to get new maps today (Well Tuesday anyway). I guess the maps will be in the late summer patch if they happen.

I wouldn't get too excited, if these results from the poll are anything to go by.

Don't get me wrong I saw the appeal in Grand Bazaar but BF4 is just a BF3 reskin and I don't want to see anymore BF3 maps. We already have seen what they did to Firestorm, Gulf of Oman, Metro and Caspian.

But if we get the scrub lords prayers answered and have the highest voted which are:
-Grand Bazaar
-Damavand Peak
-Bandar Desert
- Noshahr Canals

Then my confidence in DICE LA will take a nose dive.
I wouldn't get too excited, if these results from the poll are anything to go by.

Don't get me wrong I saw the appeal in Grand Bazaar but BF4 is just a BF3 reskin and I don't want to see anymore BF3 maps. We already have seen what they did to Firestorm, Gulf of Oman, Metro and Caspian.

But if we get the scrub lords prayers answered and have the highest voted which are:
-Grand Bazaar
-Damavand Peak
-Bandar Desert
- Noshahr Canals

Then my confidence in DICE LA will take a nose dive.

I don't really see the point in BF3 maps in BF4 when there are loads of other maps from older games that would be far better. If they want to play these maps then they can. In BF3.
I don't really see the point in BF3 maps in BF4 when there are loads of other maps from older games that would be far better. If they want to play these maps then they can. In BF3.

I do, remaking some of the most loved BF3 maps in BF4 has the potential to unify the two player bases. If it persuades some BF3 players to move to BF4 it would be a good thing IMO.

Howver it remains to be seen if BF3 maps can be balanced to work well with the weapons and vehicles available in BF4. Metro works IMO although I know many who would disagree. Firestrike however :eek:
Can anyone give me an example of a map they have remade without screwing it up?! I think the obvious reason why you have less votes for older maps is that the current player base did not play <BC2 and I would imagine the majority started playing BF in BF3!

I've said it before but I would prefer the BC2 maps - but I never played BF2 so I have no idea what I'm missing out on!

Question for the vets in here - do you have any reason to believe that your BF2 experience could be replicated in BF4 given the difference in vehicle mechanics, weapons and even played movement? Wake Island comes to mind. Apparently it was a fantastic map but it sucked on BF3.
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Can anyone give me an example of a map they have remade without screwing it up?!

Caspian Border Redux was horrific however, I think they did a decent job with Metro and the tweaks they made.

Firestorm was also good because they did not mess with it too much.
In my opinion for BF5 they should introduce a map editor similar to previous versions of the game enabling community made maps. Get rid of DLC's altogether and charge for customization content and the access to CTE. New maps could be tested in the CTE and then propagated into the main game based on played feedback. I'm sure that the revenue they would get from customization content (think CS GO but broader) would far exceed what they initially would get from premium - in the long run that is.

I believe Halo 5 has scrapped the DLC approach.
Hmm map maker tools could be a huge revenue stream. Allow content creation from the community and just charge on a map per map basis. Split money with the map Dev and dice for pushing it out to the servers/players could be a great earner.

However it runs the risk of dice/EA not being able to kill a game once they release the latest in the franchise. CS gets away with it as they don't do a yearly cycle.
Oh joy, got more maps to look forward to being completely and utterly ruined :rolleyes:

Second assault maps are by far the worst maps ever in a BF game, still can't believe how they managed to **** those maps up.

And no please don't bring back bc 2 maps, I want to remember the good days of bc 2 and the maps, not have my memories ruined with a "new" experience. BF 4 game mechanics with bc 2 maps would not work, just like the bf 3 maps in bf 4, particularly metro.
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Hmm map maker tools could be a huge revenue stream. Allow content creation from the community and just charge on a map per map basis. Split money with the map Dev and dice for pushing it out to the servers/players could be a great earner.

However it runs the risk of dice/EA not being able to kill a game once they release the latest in the franchise. CS gets away with it as they don't do a yearly cycle.

Sorry what I meant in my post is that the community maps would be free. You would charge for customizable content like guns and knifes. The maps have to be free otherwise you split the community. You would need to have some sort of system of rating the maps prior to them getting patched into the vanilla game.

DLCS need to go in my opinion as they end up splitting the community and are generally disappointing compared to the quality of the vanilla maps.
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Mapping tools would be great (if they are half decently designed) got a couple of large map designs from COD4 that I never finished up as they really needed vehicles for moving around.
Sorry what I meant in my post is that the community maps would be free. You would charge for customizable content like guns and knifes. The maps have to be free otherwise you split the community. You would need to have some sort of system of rating the maps prior to them getting patched into the vanilla game.

DLCS need to go in my opinion as they end up splitting the community and are generally disappointing compared to the quality of the vanilla maps.

Sorry I was thinking how EA could do it so it appeals to them. Let's be honest EA won't do anything they can't profit from.

I like the idea though :).
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