The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

What one & any good? I shall be around, downloaded the last DLC finally. Thanks for making me waste 6 gigs :p I like two of the maps though.

Very good, it's 2.5h long though. Was done by the journalists who were with him in Hongkong when he started to break the news.

Can't link as it has some swearies but search QjrWv1fMTS0.
What did you think Josh? Interesting how the journalists get more paranoid as the story breaks.

Very much so, the paranoia levels went ballistic after Ed hooked up with Julian Asange, who is very paranoid.

Kinda has a point though lol
I love the scene in the hotel when he disconnects the phone

Then puts on his "magic blanket" while the fire alarm starts to sound.

I'd be paranoid too if I was leaking that sort of stuff, even more so with the phone going and the fire alarms!
I'm hoping whatever their next Battlefield is,Its more like BC2..the maps were so much better on BC2 imo and its the only Battlefield Single player i actually enjoyed playing all the way through.
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I'm hoping whatever their next Battlefield is,Its more like BC2..the maps were so much better on BC2 imo and its the only Battlefield Single player i actually enjoyed playing all the way through.

I guarantee it will be, DICE have seen the community backlash especially with Hardline. So they have two choices

- Go back to their roots and make their games standout against COD
- Continue to lower the threshold, kill esports, lower the skill ceiling, bring thousands of gadgets, unbalance everything, dinos, easter eggs and make the game appeal to the console crowd who will lap it up.
Still think there is a lot of money they could make with BF4 - if nothing else loads of game mode potential like smaller coop and competitive modes, larger more persistent online campaign modes ("groundwar"), etc. etc.
Mind Blown :eek:

I just played Parcel Storm on the i7 which is running the same speeds as the i5 previously and my frame rates were almost double on the minimums! Sweet as
Any settings that can lower the posibility of dusting? Seem to be getting it on 70% of anything coming out of an attack heli, either primary of secondary (TV) weapon as gunner.
Still think there is a lot of money they could make with BF4 - if nothing else loads of game mode potential like smaller coop and competitive modes, larger more persistent online campaign modes ("groundwar"), etc. etc.

Persistent, HUGE map, something about the size of GTA 5's but with several Spawn points and an ever changing 'frontline' that moves as people play the game. Hell you could stick a mountain range in the middle or have a City making way through Suburbs to rolling fields or a forest. I might even consider paying a small monthly fee for a persistent BF4 experience that's 100's of square kilometres in size.
Would probably need a massive overhaul of the networking of BF4 mind but doesn't even have to be GTA V sized to have a lot of potential plus with the squad system you already have a ready made way to make action happen rather than people just wandering around - i.e. squad accepts an objective and then that opens it up for another (hostile) squad can accept to contest that objective for example:

A squad accepts a mission to escort a supply train from X to Y which then opens up contest objectives of blowing up a bridge on the line or setting up an ambush at a station, if a squad accepts one of those that then opens up missions for another squad to either defuse the explosives or clear out the ambush, etc. while all playing into a bigger scenario (changing the frontline, etc.).

Ok won't appeal to everyone and would take a bit of zoning and instancing to perform ok on a BF4 type engine but I like the idea of a more persistent bigger war scenario for a change of pace and never knowing quite what your jumping into.
I had to give my hands a good wash there!

GG's tonight :D


splash damage against multiple infy and vehicles iirc.

Think I have had 257% accuracy before when in the tank or might have been the LAV (zunis)

Most frustrating round ever that. I hate games where it feels like it is literally just us lot playing against their entire team.

That round! :eek:
It was hard because it was OcUK vs OcUK! You nearly had us completely KO'd but somehow we turned it around (I blame Xin FTW! :cool:). :D

Some really good games tonight. Up for more this evening if anyone is about. :)
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