The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

You know it's game time when Nexus says "Josh time to put our try-hard pants on"

Was a good night of some decent games, good opposition (bar Golmud).

Enjoyed that.
I'll be on tonight for some shenanigans :)

I really cannot wait to 'complete' the M16... such an inconsistent gun... seems to jam all the time and occasionally then magdump! Sometimes it doesn't even fire the first round! Nothing quite as frustrating as having your crosshair hovering over an enemy player clicking away and nothing happens while they slowly kill you really ineptly :(
I'll be on tonight for some shenanigans :)

I really cannot wait to 'complete' the M16... such an inconsistent gun... seems to jam all the time and occasionally then magdump! Sometimes it doesn't even fire the first round! Nothing quite as frustrating as having your crosshair hovering over an enemy player clicking away and nothing happens while they slowly kill you really ineptly :(

I'm up for some more tonight too!

Burst fire weapons do seem to jam if you try to exceed it's RPM by clicking too quickly, the same is true of the AN94 which is why I struggle with it in CQC.
Beginning to remember why I stopped playing... they might have masked many of the issues better but they are still there underneath :S

For instance was trying to kill some OcUK player last night... while they were the main focus of my shots I managed to kill all 6-7 of the other players around him but he still lived lol... (had a fair few instances last night where I shot at a group of players and the one at the back who wasn't an immediate threat died but the ~3 players infront who I was actually shooting at and had to have been physically blocking my shots seemed to take no/little damage).

Definitely still some issues with players transitioning the high and low frequency cone/bubble as well - been killed a fair few times by players who had to have been there all along (not in a position they could have deployed, etc.) but weren't being rendered and/or weren't being rendered before they started shooting.
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Yeah some tough games last night, made a nice change, I still hate siege though.... I take it we aren't getting the CTE update where roofs can't be accessed and the c flag is at the bottom?

Probably be on tonight as well.
Me and a friend are also getting an error trying to sign into battlelog, stating that 'wrong username or password'. I assume the servers are down or it's scheduled maintenance. Either way, boo! :(
Me and a friend are also getting an error trying to sign into battlelog, stating that 'wrong username or password'. I assume the servers are down or it's scheduled maintenance. Either way, boo! :(

Changing the password didn't help and sent me on a spiral of 'ohmigod ive been haxxed'. Last thing I did before stopping playing yesterday was to ban someone for aimbotting.
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