The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Soooo vehicles just got much easier.

What's this about the medic bags. Is it going to get worse than what is was?:(

Not really, its just a new option really...

The medic bags have just been buffed as the original nerf was too much. Usual Dice stuff.

- Improved scout helicopter crosshairs
- All helicopters have new more agile physics applied (you can do both barrel rolls and loops!)


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Argh right it's a buff for the Med packs I can live with that :).

Do you know if the decoupling extends to passengers? Ie the gunners on the boat/tank or if it's just the main driver.

If it has that's why I think vehicles got easier as part of the challenge is fighting the drivers movements to maintain a lock.
Think I will be on tonight.

Want a bright orange HUD in Choppers and Jets, bright pink in Tank.

Blue hit box marker with Red for headshots and a pink RDS.

Should make things stand out a little more.
Impressed that they are still supporting this, with quality (what looks like quality) updates. In light of the fact that they have two BF games in current development (Hard Line and Star Wars)

Just need that final 6th DLC to drop as promised!!

How large is this update?


I am SOOO looking forward to the BF Star Wars game. Even if it's just BF4 skinned.
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Soooo vehicles just got much easier.

What's this about the medic bags. Is it going to get worse than what is was?:(

IIRC think the decoupling is a console only change, it's already decoupled on the PC, you can already drive in one direction while spinning the turret.

I am SOOO looking forward to the BF Star Wars game. Even if it's just BF4 skinned.

Me too. Could be the best star wars game ever! (Or at least since Dark forces).
I only started playing BF4 over the weekend, I think most of these updates/fixes will be wasted on me!

Anyone playing tonight?
I think the best update would be the ability to kick someone from a vehicle. No more sniper class rep bitches, no more nub firing randomly giving away your position.
Xfactor is josh....I swear ! same voice same beard...

As a Londoner telling me I sound like a Bloke from Boston, USA is as much of an insult as saying you don't like Tea!

Leave my country, and leave it now!

Also his beard is a rubbish, girly-man trimmed POS - mine is a full man of the woods beards.

My beard is very insulted!
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I only started playing BF4 over the weekend, I think most of these updates/fixes will be wasted on me!

Anyone playing tonight?

From the first page ;)

Anyone on this evening? I have a need to wreck. :)

I'll be on. Need some unlocks still.

Probably be on around 7 or so

going to hammer bf4 today see what they changed broke :p

I may be about a bit later. Got dinner out so might be on at about 21:00 :)

Think I will be on tonight..
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