The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Good games last night - glad we stayed for rush!

Yeah, was seat of the pants stuff. I think the locals were surprised we won both attack and defense. Took me back to BC2. :)

Think I'm going to reinstall BC2 now I have my new EVO! (BF3,4,4-CTE and HL already installed).
its all about witcher 3 atm guys... such an incredible game :)

They have helis and jets in witcher 3?! :confused::p

Speaking of which I would be up for some hardline this weekend.

Having watched a youtube vid, (from a guy who seems to be impersonating our Westie), about BF3 scavenger mode, I was thinking I might give that another go this weekend.
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People play hardline? Or are you just sitting in a server on your own Kiwi?

What's wrong with Hardline, it's a great game!

Having watched a youtube vid, (from a guy who seems to be impersonating our Westie), about BF3 scavenger mode, I was thinking I might give that another go this weekend.

Definitely up for trying that :) We should also get some CMP on CTE now that I don't have to wait 30mins for you to download and install :D
Between Kiwi trying to re-sell us on Flatline and Smartka eating a mouse I have to say, my Friday is complete.

Still not going to play Flatline ever again though...
we all are Port boy

Off topic, thought about vegging out and playing Project Cars on my Sofa on my big 46" Plasma this afternoon boyz...OMG going from 1440p 144hz Freesync to 60hz 1080p is incredible...It felt like I was playing a damn XB1 at 900p and 25fps I never actually felt it that bad before I had this new screen, but going back to it was an eye opener for reals.
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