The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

I generally use SMAW on most vehicle maps. More predictable than RPG which sometimes goes off target and if you get the elevation right distance isn't an object at all. I'm getting quite good at long range targets and love a bit of SMAW counter-sniping.
Starting to get ****** off with the E_OUTOFMEMORY errors in win10 running SLI.

BF4 seems to be OK for me, but BF3, BF4 CTE and HL all crash within 10 mins of starting a game.

Nvidia need to pull their socks up!
I recently got a 280x dc2t and fitted OcUK techlabs G10 AIO, so I bought premium while it was 50% for $17. I've done about 35hours and have a k/d of 1.28 I was playing BF3 a lot recently and had a k/d of 1.58. I had one of my worst round when I was doing gun master and started with a blast shield. I ended up knifing people instead of going for the shield bash. I think I just was bashing too early.
Wouldn't worry too much about k/d when you're new. Just make sure you play the objectives and support your team mates - repair vechicles when in secondary seat, give ammo and health/revive. Do those things and you will be a big asset to your team.
PTFO, rep, revive, drop ammo, medkits etc etc. Be as useful to your team as you can. Let those who are good at shooting stuff do the shooting and fall back on your own strengths.

BF4 isnt all about killing the most people, but playing as a team. A tank driver takes most of the glory for vehicle and infantry kills, but his gunner/repper makes it possible a lot of the time by offering crucial support with spotting and timely reps as well as jumping out to plug an RPG into a tank to soften it up a bit.
Don't listen to these ^^ fools.

Get a sniper rifle, spawn beacon and tugs, take the transport chopper, or better if you can the attack chopper/Little Bird, go up really high and jump out paradropping onto a nearby building otherwise inaccesable. Snipe till your hearts content. Out of the 50 rounds you carry you will maybe get 5 kills, and 6 kill assists. K/D will be intact.

TBH that's what 90% of people are doing now, go with the crowd.

Don't listen to these ^^ fools.

Get a sniper rifle, spawn beacon and tugs, take the transport chopper, or better if you can the attack chopper/Little Bird, go up really high and jump out paradropping onto a nearby building otherwise inaccesable. Snipe till your hearts content. Out of the 50 rounds you carry you will maybe get 5 kills, and 6 kill assists. K/D will be intact.

TBH that's what 90% of people are doing now, go with the crowd.


Yeah please do this - makes it ridiculously easy for me to pick you off with my rds 338-recon from ground level as you peak over the edge with 20-40x scope trying to acquire targets at 200-300m.
Don't listen to these ^^ fools.

Get a sniper rifle, spawn beacon and tugs, take the transport chopper, or better if you can the attack chopper/Little Bird, go up really high and jump out paradropping onto a nearby building otherwise inaccesable. Snipe till your hearts content. Out of the 50 rounds you carry you will maybe get 5 kills, and 6 kill assists. K/D will be intact.

TBH that's what 90% of people are doing now, go with the crowd.


Ermahgerd! So pro, many skill, very advice, wow.

Don't listen to these ^^ fools.

Get a sniper rifle, spawn beacon and tugs, take the transport chopper, or better if you can the attack chopper/Little Bird, go up really high and jump out paradropping onto a nearby building otherwise inaccesable. Snipe till your hearts content. Out of the 50 rounds you carry you will maybe get 5 kills, and 6 kill assists. K/D will be intact.

TBH that's what 90% of people are doing now, go with the crowd.


Shot a couple of snipers off the watertower in scrub zone yesterday (Stu was getting very upset with them). Short bursts from the mp7 PDW! :D
Speaking of Stu - Yesterday was the second time he had decided that life was a bit tough on the losing team so performed a tactical team switch :rolleyes:

With the power of shadow play I'm slowly building a record of this despicable behavior :D

Tony, Josh, Nexus - You guys be on this week or are you more or less done with BF4?
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I might be about, not tonight as Football, not tomorrow as 20oz Steak.

Wednesday/Thursday/Friday might be a goer - need to redo my user.cfg though.
Is there another Josh then? :confused:

I'll be about Tues/Wed/Thurs. Maybe a quick blast if I have time tonight.

Due to that burn, I hope your Sky/VM goes down tonight, TV, BB the lot.

Just as kick off happens.


*and yes there is, wndsr is a Josh too!
Not that you asked about me kiwi (:p) but I may be about for some games.

Didn't mean to exclude you - Just got the feeling that Nex, Tony and Josh were done with the game that's all.

You need to start joining us for Sunday funday - Afternoon drinks with Hazard and Squeeze :D Always seem to have fun games.
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