The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Serves you right for being on a high TK server. The 99/100 turn into a base rape.

Still must have hurt, that team is so bad. Seems we have had a mass inflitration of noobs recently.

I think the problem with high ticket servers is the amount of craters that you end up with which causes no end of grief for land vehicles and swings the tactics balance over to helis and sniper spawn beacons. If they have control of the air then it's over (The other team had both AAs as well).
Ouch that looks painful Hazard :( I checked the players who hadn't completed the round and it was almost the same size as the team you finished with. Odly there didn't seem to be any stand out players on the other team :confused:
Ouch that looks painful Hazard :( I checked the players who hadn't completed the round and it was almost the same size as the team you finished with. Odly there didn't seem to be any stand out players on the other team :confused:

There weren't any stand out players on the other team really, but they all did their bit as far as actually capturing a flag goes, so we we always bleeding. There's only so many flags 3 people can hold on golmund at once! :p
There weren't any stand out players on the other team really, but they all did their bit as far as actually capturing a flag goes, so we we always bleeding. There's only so many flags 3 people can hold on golmund at once! :p

Yeh esp if they have air and that F* M142. I swear that thing is my mortal enemy. I'll go to hell and back to kill it.
Yeh esp if they have air and that F* M142. I swear that thing is my mortal enemy. I'll go to hell and back to kill it.

Good, good you have learnt the power of the rage that the M142 can release in you! :D

It's the heli/roof/spawn beacon parachuting c4 masters that are my current nemesis. :(
Good, good you have learnt the power of the rage that the M142 can release in you! :D

It's the heli/roof/spawn beacon parachuting c4 masters that are my current nemesis. :(

Saw this update for the CMP:

Fix to attach surfboards to US transport heli

I have to try it tonight!

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Did you see that they are changing the impact of RPG's etc at extreme angles on Tanks to effectively nerf roof spam?

Also this will pls chopper pilots:

It's not RPGs so much that annoy me, it takes a few hits and I have a chance to either kill or retreat, it's the Yodal c4 delivery from the sky which gives me little or no chance to counter.
(Sorry you weren't in but we left your parcel on your roof).

Saw this update for the CMP:

I have to try it tonight!


The helis need to blast out either ride of the valkyries or surfing USA as well!

I'll be up for a bit of CMP tonight.
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Doubt I will be on tonight, need to pick my old man up from Gatwick at 2:40am and then still be in work for 07:30 tomorrow.

Going to be wrecked, luckily I'm finishing at 12:15 tomorrow so can go home, sleep and be normal again for Friday Fragfest.
What's the hit detection like on it? Does the game feel smooth? Any rubberbanding issues at all? Is that an official DICE server, does the console command confirm it's 60hz?

Not had a chance to try it yet. It it's anything like CTE it will feel MUCH better, but I think CTE servers are speced on better KIT that the average overly utilized commercial VM so 30hz CTE > 30hz retail.

IIRC they added a UI change on the loading screen in the summer patch so you should be able to see 60hz in the top left corner. Either that or you can run the networkgraph which also displays the tick rate.

Would be interested to hear if you guys have seen any hit reg issues for infy play since Monday server side patch where they changed FHT to 1.0? As BF nonesense pointed out there should be a lot more 'die behind cover' situations if a high ping player shoots you because the server does not start rejecting hits until the player is @ > 800ms. What we need is a duel solution for fast moving and slow moving objects.

Explanation at 1.46

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Not had a chance to try it yet. It it's anything like CTE it will feel MUCH better, but I think CTE servers are speced on better KIT that the average overly utilized commercial VM so 30hz CTE > 30hz retail.

IIRC they added a UI change on the loading screen in the summer patch so you should be able to see 60hz in the top left corner. Either that or you can run the networkgraph which also displays the tick rate.

Would be interested to hear if you guys have seen any hit reg issues for infy play since Monday server side patch where they changed FHT to 1.0? As BF nonesense pointed out there should be a lot more 'die behind cover' situations if a high ping player shoots you because the server does not start rejecting hits until the player is @ > 800ms. What we need is a duel solution for fast moving and slow moving objects.

Explanation at 1.46

That's the Twirly comments vid. Already seen it. Hit reg did seem a little odd early this week, but I normally adjust within a couple of days.
Active Radar nerfed in CTE, maybe it will come to retail in next patch. Not that any sane person would use Active Radar in the Mobile AA anyway, Zunis are so much better.
Tried the discord link Josh and it said invite had expired. Are we also using discord now, and if so can you send me an invite?
Tried the discord link Josh and it said invite had expired. Are we also using discord now, and if so can you send me an invite?

The usual BF crew have been using it. The biggest bugbear is that if you log out of the server you need a new invite to get back in (even as an admin (Bar the server owner I assume)).
If no one sends you one I'll try and generate one for you later when I'm online.
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