The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Isn't War Thunder the planes one?

I'll get it sorted this afternoon, bugging out at lunchtime.

its both Josh, ground and air. World Of Tanks is just tanks. It's brilliant fun, if you go for air, I could do the bombing while you fly boys keep me safe to the target so i can drop my bombs right in the pickel barrel :)..loads of different ways to play, just need to stick together and play in clumps. So if we tank, we go the same flank, we have a nice mix of light and medium tanks and gang up on the enemy. It's a great game for a free one.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE * If you do not download via Steam (just downloading the client from WarThunder site) On the launcher make sure you tick "full client" as this then installs the full game which means all the HD textures, details, cockpits etc which is for gaming setups..the non full client is watered down for low spec. Full Client makes it look proper nice. Or just get it through Steam as I think it then downloads the full game with all the extra HD packs.
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yeah very similiar to World Of Tanks I think. Yet to try it, but going to download it as well over the weekend I think. Can't go wrong with free games :)
I'm not about to launch into anything new this close to FO3 and SWBF TBH. Anyway I wouldn't have time to install and play anything new this evening. I'll be playing BF4 if anyone else is.
ha okies... maybe we should migrate out of the BF4 thread as we're playing something else :p FPS Fwends now? :p

yeah we should, just trying to get word to all the normal crew, this is the best place to do it.

Been tanking in War Thunder this morning, wow everything maxed this game has had some serious polish, loving it this morning. Playing on Realistic battles, sure is fun. No gay 3d spotting, amazing shell cam like Sniper Elite when you get killed or kill something. It's bloody brilliant chaps. I've gone Russian tanks :)
yeah we should, just trying to get word to all the normal crew, this is the best place to do it.

Been tanking in War Thunder this morning, wow everything maxed this game has had some serious polish, loving it this morning. Playing on Realistic battles, sure is fun. No gay 3d spotting, amazing shell cam like Sniper Elite when you get killed or kill something. It's bloody brilliant chaps. I've gone Russian tanks :)

Looks great but just wait until you get killed through the scenery by the ultra low graphics warriors ;) thats the reason most of us regulars stopped playing it.

Not an issue at low tiers but gets ridiculous as you progress.
Some of us have, I love it.

Let me know TT what we are doing and I'll get it sorted for tonight.

Although not sure I fancy going against Nex with either a tank or a plane! His hax are worldwide!

You guys should join us for some drunken games of RL, would be a laugh.

Also we have a tournament, skill level is extremely low lol.
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