The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Hmm they've made it so the "netcode" doesn't roll in >250ms events like it used to (you actually have to lead further ahead to compensate for latency at higher pings) which in theory should go a long way to making the "netcode" seem more consistent.
No bf 4 for me, not until my internet gets better.

Patch sounds **** tbh, is DICE/EA just trying to ruin this game now so that people will have a reason to buy SWBF or/and the next BF game?!
I don't get the grenade changes back to 8 seconds, lockers and metro was bad enough. Now it will just be people sitting on ammo crates throwing grenades again. It's just changes to the game for the sake of it.
Mines been fine since they sorted the coax cable.

You tried powerline adapters? I'm looking at the now for my sons build. The wifi here doesn't like walls.
Nah, they are hit and miss those besides I got a good wireless adapter where I get my max of 150mb and full strength, the problem is the latency and the superhub 2ac, it is even worse than the superhub 2.
Nah, they are hit and miss those besides I got a good wireless adapter where I get my max of 150mb and full strength, the problem is the latency and the superhub 2ac, it is even worse than the superhub 2.

Can't be worse than the superhub v1 I'm on. I'm supposed to get 152Mb, when it's good I get exactly 110Mb, and I'm supposed to be at 200 soon. They're sending me a new hub tomorrow.
I've noticed that the service has been very patchy the last couple of weeks. I wonder if they've got routing problems again (I was getting 200ms ping in servers I normally get 15-30 on).
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