Log onto the superhub and;
1- advanced settings> security>port forwarding.
2-ignore the predefined bit. In name type whatever you want for reference; start port:3659;End port:3659;protocol:UDP;IP you'll need to find the local IP of your system*.
3-click "add rule" then "apply".
4- open your firewall (software one whatever you're using) and check the rules make sure bf4 is set to allow connections.
*if you don't know this open a cmd prompt (start menu/cmd in search box) type "ipconfig" and return. The IP address there should begin with 192.168 that's the one you need to put into step 2.
It could be blocked by your software firewall but without knowing which version I can't walk you through it.
This is assuming you only have a superhub 2 not using a separate AP as well.