The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

gotta say just upgraded to win 10 and my 980ti seems to have gained about 20fps, at 1080 150%res. add an new pair of hd 25s and it's like a new game!!
Still loads of servers and some of them very busy. There's no real P2W guns although some of them are quite good they're not heads above anything you already get and while experienced players will know the maps far better than you do to begin with you just need a few unlocks to get things moving. Still worth buying especially as it can be had pretty cheap for Vanilla.
Currently in the middle of downloading this again. New system and monitor so looking forward to trying it again. Had it backed up but unfortunately the drive it was on packed in mid build.
We don't tend to play on any specific server, although [TM] is quite popular among those of us who aren't banned.


See your running a swift monitor Hazard, how does gsync do with bf4? Currently only got bf3 installed and tbh, it's running well enough to not see the fps drops where gsync shows it's worth.

See your running a swift monitor Hazard, how does gsync do with bf4? Currently only got bf3 installed and tbh, it's running well enough to not see the fps drops where gsync shows it's worth.

GSYNC is amazing on BF4, it makes a huge difference. It's so much easier to accurately place your mouse cursor when the frame rate is high and smooth. I tend to cap my 970s @ 135 fps and have the screen set to 144Hz with GSYNC enabled.

I also play with most settings on low except for mesh and textures. Not because I'd get much of a frame drop with everything on, it just makes it easier to see people. :D

I think one of the first games I played in BF4 was with you. Paracel storm TDM IIRC. I've improved somewhat since then ;)
Cheers bud, not played in ages due to having a few issues with this setup and indeed the monitor. A single 980ti will be pretty similair to sli 970 i suspect. Ive heard a lot of people who own the swift reccomend capping fps. Tried low settings and a 59fps cap with my previous sli 780's, as my eyesight is dire it does help to see things. Made the cards run a lot cooler too. At that time i was still on an old 60Hz 1920x1200 monitor.
A 980Ti will be very similar to a pair of 970s in this, with the added benefit that if you install a "game ready" driver for another game it won't matter whether they've borked SLI again. :)

The reason for the cap at 135fps was it was supposed to reduce input lag vs uncapped.
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