reinstalled this last few days been having fun with mortars again and the 870 shotgun
mortars arent as good as they were but great rage inducers
whats best shotgun set up for 870 ?
reinstalled this last few days been having fun with mortars again and the 870 shotgun
mortars arent as good as they were but great rage inducers
whats best shotgun set up for 870 ?
reinstalled this last few days been having fun with mortars again and the 870 shotgun
mortars arent as good as they were but great rage inducers
whats best shotgun set up for 870 ?
Decided to have a quick go on bf4 a few nights ago. Logged into origin to see that my name had been changed. Hacked by some Russian guy, had to get in contact with ea support to change password and security questions etc.
When did you last change your origin password?
Might be worth changing the password on the email account used just in case too.