The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Good info Josh, I never did cos haz mention you dont want any new people there...misunderstanding then. I shall be on later

Nah I'm more than happy for new people to join, I just remember the randoms joining the old TS who just started to create their own channels etc without anyone knowing who they were.

I mean I don't walk into people's houses and start making brews and using the last of the milk.

Tis rude.

But if you have people you know who want to join it, I'm fine with it.

I will pop on tonight if that's alright

Sure thing bud - get Haz to sort you out an invite before he goes for his 1/2 a shandy and 10 course meal!
Actually smartcar - Hazard PTFO's in vechicle or on foot more than anyone else I've played with.

Awww Thankyou :o

That may be the case but I always move around as sniper...and play the flags too

I know you like to PTFO too smartie :cool:

That's a lovely way of saying he can't aim for **** so runs between flags :D


wuv u rly hazzy bb

My silenced mp7 of spray needs no aiming. :D (#84th)

PTFO for the win and i suck lol

Flags captured 26,850
Flags defended 16,338

Good show, what's your BL name?

Flag defends: 9,471
Flag captures: 9,224


How much time do you have?!

Must have got a buy one get one free on buckets! ;)

gg's last night everyone. Nice to see so many on :)
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ayyyy rider comes to rescue thanks lov :-* for some reason bf makes me so may be that we play in that retarded IM server with map rotation of my least favourite maps....
ayyyy rider comes to rescue thanks lov :-* for some reason bf makes me so may be that we play in that retarded IM server with map rotation of my least favourite maps....

It's TM, and they are just the vanilla maps. It's hard finding servers with a non vanilla rotation that doesn't have some real stinkers in their rotation. Naval strike makes be want to peel my skin off, Second assault has some hateful maps, (I'm looking at you metro and firestrike) and and I can only take final stand in small doses. China rising is Ok, but I'm not a fan of slik road TBH.
PTFO wins the game. As demonstrated last night. The top five or six on our team had higher scores than the other team but we couldn't do it alone and they ended up winning because the rest of the team didn't PTFO!

Also loved the squad stack in most of the games last night, especially when the whole squad was top 5!
PTFO wins the game. As demonstrated last night. The top five or six on our team had higher scores than the other team but we couldn't do it alone and they ended up winning because the rest of the team didn't PTFO!

Also loved the squad stack in most of the games last night, especially when the whole squad was top 5!

We did alright in this one..

I fetl we let Xin and his mates down here though..

Although I was battered by that point. :p

It's the first time I've seen Patsy play like that, he/she was on a roll.

Bad company 2 still has lots of people playing it even now, its better than Bf3 and Bf4 imo.
Welcome to the forums and the BF4 thread. I personally don't prefer BC2 although I did love it. That damm attack heli was too stronk, and no prone. Then they made the tracer dart stupidly slow. The Vietnam expansion was truly class though.
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Do you guys ever play on the HC Infantry only servers ?

There are only 2 in the EU but it brings in totally different game play.

Can be frustrating after a few beers...

PS i don't mean Op locker or metro maps.
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Do you guys ever play on the HC Infantry only servers ?

There are only 2 in the EU but it brings in totally different game play.

Can be frustrating after a few beers...

PS i don't mean Op locker or metro maps.

Not normally, the weapon balance in this game doesn't really suit HC IMO. Classic on occasion.
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