The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Welcome to the forums and the BF4 thread. I personally don't prefer BC2 although I did love it. That damm attack heli was too stronk, and no prone. Then they made the tracer dart stupidly slow. The Vietnam expansion was truly class though.

Don't forget that horrible movement. I loved sniping in that game though and the maps were so much better than BF3/BF4.
Ah the HC rant :D BF4 HC is somewhat of an afterthought though and you are likely just gonna be frustrated by it as nothing was designed with it in mind compared to games like COD, etc. (I ended up just running and gunning with a 338-Recon and RDS instead in normal mode).

HC just requires a very different set of skills - if you are being shot or dying to pre-fire campers and have no idea where you are being shot from then it isn't for you :P
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Yup HC - easy mode

Sit in a corner and one shot people in the toe.

Saying that BC 2 HC was much better than normal, the 3d spotting ruined normal BC 2 imo
Back when I used to play CoD 4 and MW2 online I only played Hardcore. Even in BF3 I used to play it occasionally. With BF4 I actively avoid it. It just doesn't 'feel' right. And I'm a 'run and gun' type player, first to move, first round the corner, first to the flag. That type of game really doesn't work in HC so I get annoyed.
Dunno what it would be like with the "netcode" updates but the other problem is HC needs bang on "netcode" with the server updating at like 50ms max - BF4 backwards reconciliation can run into the 100s of ms or even 1000s injecting a large amount of random outcome rather than skill dictating what happens.
Yup HC - easy mode

Sit in a corner and one shot people in the toe.

Saying that BC 2 HC was much better than normal, the 3d spotting ruined normal BC 2 imo

I remember the emplacement guns on one of the maps. You could sit there spamming q and then just hose the doritos. One person could pretty much take out the entire advancing team.

the mortar king is back :D number 1 in the world :p

On mothers' day too. She must be so proud! :p
Yeah the 3d spotting ruined rush mode for me, took out any "tactical" flanks etc. for the attackers and with pretty much everything being destructible, you had little cover :(

Love bc 2, still my fav MP game and the only thing that I hate about it in comparison to bf 3/4 is the movement.
Worked out why I was lagging in that game Haz - my VPN had automatically logged in upon reboot :p So I was tunneling in through the UK, back to the US and then back to the UK.
Worked out why I was lagging in that game Haz - my VPN had automatically logged in upon reboot :p So I was tunneling in through the UK, back to the US and then back to the UK.

Hax! :eek:

Loads of people on last night, which was good to see.
I had some epic heli sabots, you would have been proud. I've really started to get to grips with the timing. :)
Just in time for the Division Launch I've ordered a Cat 6a Ethernet cable to see if it fixes the hellish lag and rubber banding I've been having in BF4 since I got SkyQ installed. The Division plays perfectly though so I'm not convinced yet. Only issue is I likely won't be on BF4 for a while to test it!
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