Welcome to the forums and the BF4 thread. I personally don't prefer BC2 although I did love it. That damm attack heli was too stronk, and no prone. Then they made the tracer dart stupidly slow. The Vietnam expansion was truly class though.
Don't forget that horrible movement. I loved sniping in that game though and the maps were so much better than BF3/BF4.
Yep - I don't like HC servers because of the snipers who camp
Yup HC - easy mode
Sit in a corner and one shot people in the toe.
Saying that BC 2 HC was much better than normal, the 3d spotting ruined normal BC 2 imo
Support Unit *looks at Hazard*
Worked out why I was lagging in that game Haz - my VPN had automatically logged in upon rebootSo I was tunneling in through the UK, back to the US and then back to the UK.