The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Who doesn't like getting destroyed by hazard ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You might be onto something tho as this weekend the games were hard...mostly on TM massive try hards there.
Wtf ? Im a decent heli pilot! I just dont have capable gunners, Sidey and Tony only hop on rarely.

*ahem* I think you're find I'm more than a capable gunner, just need a decent pilot :D

Ahhh need to fire this back up again... Getting destroyed by hazard.. Great times.. :mad:

That would possibly mean you're on the wrong team ;)
I've got TVs which I've taken many a tank out with before the pilot got me killed lol :D

I blame the **** MAA.

In regards to spotting the gunner/repper or whatever should really be trying to do that as much as possible (when they aren't repping) and minimise how much the pilot does any spotting.
I blame the **** MAA.

In regards to spotting the gunner/repper or whatever should really be trying to do that as much as possible (when they aren't repping) and minimise how much the pilot does any spotting.

That's exactly how I play, also makes taking out infantry easier as you can follow the Doritos once they've been spotted ;)
Went back to this last night and just had a game of tdm and I'm surprised how good it is now. Took long enough though!!

Nice to see a few are still playing it.
HAHA - bet that didn't go down

Still annoyed about the first time we died in the attack chopper on that round - I looked right where the MAA shot me from on flying over and nothing was there, poked my nose out from behind the building and nothing was in view but then as I hid behind the building died to it with the death cam showing it right where I was looking and it doesn't appear on the map at all (which I assume it would as it was shooting at me and just killed me) - knew it was around there somewhere and was watching the minimap expecting it to show if it engaged me. Game completely and utterly failed :|
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