The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

Just had to play a 2000ticket round on lost islands to unlock an assignment....ive never wanted to throw my computer out the window so much, how on earth can people play 2000ticket rounds and the amount of dmrs was unreal.

hopefully BF1 wont have any
Just had to play a 2000ticket round on lost islands to unlock an assignment....ive never wanted to throw my computer out the window so much, how on earth can people play 2000ticket rounds and the amount of dmrs was unreal.

hopefully BF1 wont have any

I hate DMRs, they are spawn of the devil! I don't mind 2k ticket servers but they have to be decent maps - lockers/metro/caspian
Good rounds tonight, didnt realise until the last few rounds that my mic wasnt working was wondering why no one was listening to me about the jeep ontop of D on zavod that they kept spawning on lol

looks like ill have to pick a new mic up again.
Yeah good games tonight.

My dog fighting is awful now, can't keep that 313 speed!

Paracel is a tricky map, you really need to have all areas covered, aircraft, infy and boats. IF the DF and boombaby guys didn't join, we would have had it.
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Yeah good games tonight.

My dog fighting is awful now, can't keep that 313 speed!

Paracel is a tricky map, you really need to have all areas covered, aircraft, infy and boats. IF the DF and boombaby guys didn't join, we would have had it.

I was watching the remainder of that game, it was close for sure but the ticket reduction on your team dropped seriously quick...
What a turn out! :)

Managed only 1 mvp though. Somehow the first round of Shanghai we won a level 16 player on the other side got the mvp in the attack heli. I smell a smurf..

Paracel was interesting, was working really hard and they still managed to scrape the win by 7 tickets. At least they put a fight up unlike the first server where it was really only Smrtka and Jamie carrying them.
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I'll defo be on tonight, missed the banter with loads of us. My aim and general awareness will be shockingly bad as per.

Plus tomorrow we are having a team building day at a Top Golf driving range then on to watch the England game down the pub so I don't really need an early night, first day today and I get hit with that, tidy!

Can't complain at all lol
Don't see the point of resetting stats, just enjoy the gameplay and banter rather than worrying about what some scoreboard says about your k/d, skill etc. :p

Will be on tonight again.
the games get hard playing against you, and I was mad on a guy rocking shotgun on zavod, benjo-uk or what is name was, one of the ocuk chap.

The good news was i had like 5:3 agains nexus, I hope he was mad at least a bit. Also Jamie thats insane tow mate :)

I might be back today trying to play against the odds. I am just sad that no one wants to take the challenge with me (except jamie how likes to live dangerously). You all like your skill and your wins and MVPs more then being a fun potato :)
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I don't do mad, I leave that to my enemies :D Well except for when it comes to roof warriors :p

Speaking of which, it was amusing the rage on lacang last night, "****ing UK *****s, want to leave EU then leave our server too!"
I wont reset it yet then and yeah smrtka, no1 would go past C/D on zavod, i think we had the F flag twice, but lost straight away, even the people in the tanks or the lav's would not go past C/D.

I get the lav come flying up the left side, to take that dam artillery out, some times you have to be dangerous, or the other team is just going too keep pushing and will be fighting for 1 flag.
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