The Battlefield 4 Thread 2015

The main thing that puts me of hardline or at least from what I have seen in videos is the windows/roof campers, it just looks like pearl market lol....

It's not the same as BF4 where they are getting into places which can't be cleared out. Either you get up there and clear them or you can pick them off. There are maps where it's really not an issue.
I got the impression that there was no significant difference between GSYNC and FREESYNC bar brand loyalty and driver availability.

Hopefully Nvidia will support FREESYNC as well and GSYNC will be phased out. I really don't like having a lock in between monitor and GPU. This is coming form someone who's always bough Nvidia GPUs..

Diamond edge 3d (Nvidia NV1) (Also got a voodoo1 to go with it though)
Riva TNT
Geforce DDR
Geforce 2 PRO
2x GTX275s
2x GTX460s
2x GTX670s
2x GTX970s
I've had a mix of AMD and Nvidia. I generally go with what is best and really really hope the 390x will be something really special. Competition is the only thing that will bring these crazy prices down!
Also 60hz CTE :D :D :D :D

In todays update (brought to you in collaboration with the Hardline netcode team) we are enabling framerate based updates on bullets. This means that depending on your client framerate, you will update at that rate – to the server.
An example: Your game is running at 60fps, you will be updating the server on your bullets at 60hz (compared to 30hz now).

These changes _should_ improve significantly on the out of region burst issue, and we will be monitoring this specifically.

Detail oriented players notice that we have not changed the server to client update frequency (the high frequency update) – this is the next step once we know we can trust this new system works as intended.

Should be implemented to Hardline also I imagine once all the bugs are ironed out through the CTE.

So this is Client to Server only atm
Do you think it will have much impact given there are no touching server side yet or the actual tick rate?
Should be implemented to Hardline also I imagine once all the bugs are ironed out through the CTE.

So this is Client to Server only atm

The question now for me is do I remove my frame rate cap to exploit the "framerate based updates on bullets"?

Maybe Symthic can tell me.
Haz do you have a user.cfg file in your BF folder? IF so there shold be a line in there saying GameTime.MaxVariableFps xxx, remove that and your golden.

Yeah there is, it's set to 135 at the moment. I'll unleash it and see if if helps. (Although I guessing this only applies to HL and CTE at the moment not mainline BF4).

Just posted for the first time on Symthic, awaiting incoming cries of noob/scrub followed by "the world champion" advising me to uninstall :D
Btw Haz why do you leave it at 135? Heat / Power issues?

Partly I don't want to overstress my GPUs, but partly because it seemed to work well with the refresh at 144 and GSYNC on when I upgraded and I haven't got round to playing around more.

Also the step between a 25ms input lag 59Hz IPS and this setup was so huge, I wasn't in a a position to tell the difference at the higher end. Now I'm used to the higher rates I should give it a go.
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